Chapter 6

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Raph POV
After a while April left and It was just me and Lara in the kitchen. She left to go to her room to write in her diary. A.K.A take a nap....

I went straight to the surface, I texted casey on My shell phone. I told him everything.

He just made me more embarrased. Urgghhh....

i sighed and went to the edge of the rooftop and sat there.I did the one thing I Never did.ever.i sang.

Lara POV

Ok ok I know I was supposed to be in my room but,I followed him. I dont know why I just-Wait what is that noise? I went to a rooftop and spotted Raph.I moved closer and-he was singing!

this is what he sang:


I sighed. It didn't take a genius to figure out he was singing about Mona. 

Maybe he'll  tell me what happened when he gets back. I start to head back. I accidentally hit a water tank at the top of an apartment. Ouch. My leg feels like it's on fire. I have to hide before Raph sees m-

"Lar?", I hear Raph say. SHIT

I limp out of the shadows.

"Yeah.", I say wincing from the sharp, shooting pains in my leg. Raph notices im hurt and comes over. He scoops me up in his arms, against my protesting, and runs back home. Grrr...

Raph POV

I know Lar is mad cos she keeps making this face. She's kindve cute when she's mad. Anyway when we're halfway there, I notice Lar is knocked  out. I think its because of the pain. Her leg looks normal but I know she's hurting. I finally make it back to the labor and carry her to donnie's lab.

"Donnie!",I shout through the thick metal doors of his lab.

Donnie pops up through the doors,snatches Lara from my arms,(HOW DARE HE!) And closes the door. All in  a matter of seconds. Seriously? Did he literally just-why did he- ugh. I can't even think! I go to my room to take a nap. I'll be up when lara's leg is fixed.

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