Lara's A WHAT!?!?

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Authors note: HIIII!!! I'm alive and I'm sooo sorry I couldn't do the chapter like I said I woud. Something came up in my family so I was really busy and stuff.... anyway! I have the BESTchapter Ideas I think ya'll will like. Also if you wanna rp my instagram is Pinapple._.Kween. Or just DM me on Wattpad. OKI READ ON!!!!!!!!!!!

Lara POV

I woke up on a hard metal table in Don's lab. I tried to sit up but became instantly naseous. UGH. I laid back down and noticed something. Wait. why is there dark brown hair around my face?? And why do i hav FOUR fingers?!?! AND WHY AM I A F******* LIZARD?!?!? WHAT THE HELL!!!?!?!??!?!? Due to teh fact I was so shocked I did the only thing I could. I screamed.

Raph pov

I was chilling in the living room waiting for Lar to wake up and then- "AAHHHHHHHHH!?!?"

Welp. She's up. Great...

I walked in to see Lara freaking out. 


She jumped and looked at me.

"why teh ACTUAL HELL, am i a LIZARD!!??!"

i shrug. 



Lara POV

 noooo what am i sposed to dooo???

>W<  whyyy

Raph Pov

awww.. Lara looked so cute when she did that little >W< face!!



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