My 🛳 has DIED *unholy screeching*

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Larota POV

Me and Raph were out patrolling when it happened. He

"Raph are you alright?", I asked concerned.

"What.", he asked annoyed. He gave me immediately made my eyes water. I didn't realize until now that It was from hurt. He NEVER talks to me like that.

I looked away quickly so he didn't notice.

But he must have noticed he hurt my feelings when I said nothing.

"Lar....I'm sorry.....I love you.", he said apologetically.

The way he said it... I dont know how it happened.. somehow I could tell he didn't.

"No you don't", I  said tears forming in my eyes.

And I ran off as fast as I could away from him. Ever have your heart punched then stabbed  then stepped on? That's how I feel. I dont know how but I went to our rooftop. I hid in the shadows and began crying into my knees.

Raph POV

I watched Lara run off I knew I hurt her feelings.. I'm honestly just nervous. I pull out the ring I got her.
Now what?

April POV

Lara called me and told me everything. I could tell she was hurt. She was crying the whole time. I call Raph to see if it's true. He confirms it and when he stops talking I can hear him crying. Oh no. I go over to where Raph is and give him a big hug. He turns away and sits on the edge of the rooftop. I can tell he feels horrible. He hurt Lara. He's silent for a moment then I realize he's crying silently.  a small flow of tears flow down his cheeks. I give him another hug and run off to find Lara. I find her in worse condition. She's not crying she sobbing. I can't believe this day. I sit next to her and hug her.

Lara POV
As April hugged me I began to drift off and the next thing I know, I'm in me and Raphs room. I'm about to get up and find Raph when last night's events flood my memories. I lay back down, I notice Raph is  next to me and I turn the other way. I fall into a dreamless sleep.

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