Chapter 9 - Party part 2

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"Oh God their dancing," I said looking away back at Ruels Beautiful mesmerising eyes.


"yeah they are, and must I add they are very into it." Ruel said, after around 3 drinks lets just say that I got very drunk, and when I say very drunk I mean it. After my first drink I was flirting with guys I didn't even know, on my second drink I joined in with Mary and Sydney and danced to a song that I don't even like, and on my third I cant really remember but I am pretty sure I kissed one of the random guys dancing near me with my drink in the air, lets just hope I wasn't singing, God only knows what I sound like when I am drunk.

I was half way through my drink when I needed to throw up, I ran to the bathroom and started spewing. At some point in time there was a person holding back my hair and wiping my mouth, the person helped me from the kneeling positon I has previously been in and looked me in the eyes... it was Ruel. Oh God he probably saw me doing all those things, I can't even control what I do.

"Wow, you seem to be having quite a lot of fun, am I right?" he said with that angelic smile, over the 4 weeks of knowing him he has managed to make he fall for him, How? I honestly don't know, maybe its because we hang out a lot or maybe it's because he is incredibly nice to me.

"Yehaaa, I hovv lotts fon" I said in a drunken state (Says: Yeah, I have lots fun)

"Haha I can tell, how about we go to the park and cool down, maybe sober up a little," he said still with that angelic smile that made me melt in his presence.

"Suwa, I'ww Fwollo ya anywha, Anee Twime" I said once again, my brain wondering why I even try (Says: Sure, I'll follow you anywhere, any time.

Soon after we arrive in the park, and all I can remember before I fell and blacked out was...










"I hope one day you will fall for me like I fell for you, (Y/n)."


To be continued...

Sorry its short I am pretty sure every chapter is, apologies xx.

Ruel - The two talentedWhere stories live. Discover now