Chapter 16 - Doctors...

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Its been a day since new years. I forgave Ruel but we aren't dating, maybe some time in the future but I same focusing on the now. I am in the doctors, I had some physical and blood tests done. we have to wait for a while but they said that they would call us when they can. They did some more checks and told us that they will tell us the news as soon as they can. Me and Aunt Sophia walked out and separated at the car park, she had to go to the shops but I didn't so I called my driver.

I'm on the way to the beach, Maslin beach. Of course not the nude part of the beach just a nice place far away from the nude people. As soon as we got there I pulled up my grey hoodie and walked over to the dessert quite beach.

I sat there watching the waves for what felt like minutes, it didn't feel like hours had gone by, but they did, 4 hours. 4 hours had gone by with just staring at the waves, you know I wish I was the ocean. If I was I could be in all the countries I wanted that are by the beach. I could be beautiful but here I am stuck with eye bags from the lack of sleep and bruises from when no one can recall, haha Aunt Sophia thinks I have dementia. That's not it, I have a pretty standard memory.


After 2 more hours of sitting on the beach Aunt Sophia called saying to meet her at the doctors. after a 43 minute to the doctors, I saw Aunt Sophia sitting on a waiting bench nervously talking to a little boy who was then pulled away to a different bench by her mother. It felt like hours of waiting, sitting on the old uncomfortable plastic bench in the complete silence that were often interrupted by the receptionists talking. In truth it had only been 4 minutes of waiting, but the suspense between me and Aunt Sophia was terrifying.




We didn't know what was going to happen.




Did we even need to worry?

I didn't have enough time to think about if I was going to die because Dr. Day pulled us into her room (Just a random person).




Here it is.




The good news right?

well it wasn't with the way she was starting.

"I am so sorry to tell you this but, (Y/n), you have leukaemia. But the good thing is that it's small. We can treat it, but it will take 2 years to get bett-" Dr. Day was still talking but I zoned out, all I could hear was a ringing in my ear and all I could see is my tears dripping down my face as I looked in the small golden desk mirror, well this is a great start to my new years.


That night I could sleep, I couldn't because I was in so much pain yet I didn't cry. It was like something was telling me that this wasn't the worst of the pain I have been through. And whatever it was, it was right. The worst pain I experienced was when I saw that girl kissing Ruel. Yet now thinking back on that moment, he was trying to gently push her away without hurting her. I guess he wouldn't hurt a fan, even if its a relationship turner.

All I want to do right now is go to the beach, its such a calming place and I bet it will look beautiful at night. With the moonlight reflecting on the calm nights waves. But I decided that the next best thing was sitting in Victoria square, so I did.


What will happen in the future? What will happen with your carer?

To be continued...

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