Chapter One: New Road

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Zoya looked at ‘Fashion and the City’. A tall and round white complex with glass walls which allowed sunlight to stray in, but the walls were closed with blinds. Not a good sign, Zoya thought. She hated darkness. Zoya liked everything bright and full of life. Everything colourful. Though her favourite colour was white, colourless environments made her uncomfortable. Zoya was there for her first assignment after taking over Zosh events. She will be arranging a success party for ‘Maya Mehrotra’, that is how the agent called the boss of Fashion and the City. Fashion and the city had won some prestigious award and Maya wanted to give a party for the employees and clients. There was another event management company which was supposed to do the event, but Maya had a fall out with them which caused the cancellation and the chance came to Zosh events. Zoya was happy and scared. It didn’t matter what she felt, what that mattered was that her company needed to survive, and her employees needed their job. Zoya decided to be extra cautious and calm while talking to her new client and that would secure her the contract.        
Maya checked her tab. None of the new designs were impressive. Maybe it was time to fire the designer or maybe not, she thought. She was already in trouble after cancelling her contract with the event management company and now had to go through another round of discussions with the new event management company which was in a pretty pathetic situation due to debts and the sudden death of the owner but Maya had no other choice than to associate with them as there was no other company available to take up the last-minute event. Maya was in her thoughts when her secretary came and knocked the door. 

Maya: Come in.

Sec:Ms. Zoya Siddiqui from Zosh events has come to meet you. 

Maya: Let her in. 

Sec: Yes Ma’am. Anything to drink?

Maya: I am not thirsty. 

After her secretary left Maya checked her watch and it was late. Zoya was supposed to come eight minutes early and she is not yet here. Maya thought of cancelling the contract before signing it but then thought of the invitations that were sent out and Maya never steps back from a commitment and if she has promised a party there will be a party no matter what she had to for it. 

Zoya reached the door to Maya’s cabin and spoke. 

Zoya: May I come in?

Maya: Of course, please come in. Ms. Zoya Siddiqui right?

Zoya: Yes, from Zosh events. 

Maya:  Come on please sit down. I see that you are late, and I don’t have much time for you to waste standing there. 

Zoya came and sat down in front of Maya Mehrotra. She was everything that was being told about her. Bold, Beautiful, Commanding and most importantly scary. Zoya gulped. It was her first meeting with a client and she didn’t want to cry then and there. She wished for her Abbu or Yash to be there with her. Abbu was in Mussoorie and Yash was no longer in this world. She was alone and scared but not in any mood to give up. She had to do it for her company, her late husband and the employees. 
Maya watched Zoya searching her bag for something. The girl was scared, Maya thought. Maya was so sure that Zoya won’t be able to do the event or let alone complete the presentation with her now. But as she had already wasted so much time Maya thought of waiting a bit more. It frustrated her to sit there like that but still Zoya’s luxurious hair was a good distraction. It was beautiful, and Maya had never seen a more beautiful hair before. For a moment she wished if it was hers and right away dismissed the thought. 

Maya: So, are you going to start the presentation or not. I don’t have much time to waste. I have a meeting in the next one hour. 

Zoya: Yes, I got it. I got it. 

Maya: Let’s start then. I hope the agent has given you the information about the number of guests and the kind of food and beverages that are required. A pool is must for the party. I am sure that none of my guests would get in to the pool but still it’s a requirement. So, find a venue with open space, a pool and garden area. 

Zoya:  Yes, I will do as you say, and I have analysed the requirements and the cost, and the time needed to arrange everything. You can go through this file to know more about it. 

Maya:  No need. I will trust you. I need no imperfection. Maya wants everything perfect and of course everything should be white. I don’t like anything colourful. 

Zoya: Yes, I will make sure of that. 

Zoya said good-bye and left the room scared and with a trembling heart. She wanted to finish the event as fast as she could and never to see Maya’s face again. Maya was sure that the woman who came and sat in front of her can never do the event perfectly and she decided that she would personally go and check the progress of the arrangements. It would be tiring to take care of the event after office but it’s better to be tired than to be embarrassed later. 


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