Chapter 5: Dead End

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Zoya was devastated. Her eyes were blurry with tears and she couldn’t see or understand anything that was going on around her. Zoya stood outside the bank. Zosh events owed them one crore rupees and she had only one week’s time left to repay the amount. If she fails to do so the bank would attach the office and she would lose everything. Zoya felt like the earth under her feet was gone and she was falling in to a deep crevice without a bottom. She kept on sinking. Tears fell from her eyes and she had breathing trouble. Zoya looked around unable to comprehend what to do next. I must get a cab now, Zoya thought in her mind. She tried to get a cab, but none stopped. She stood next to the road for a long time waving her hand towards the approaching cabs. She couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. She sat down on the road side and cried.

Zoya said to herself: Everything is lost. I came here to take care of Zosh defying my Abbu and leaving everything I had and now I am going to lose the only thing I have left. Yash’s dream will remain unfulfilled and what would I say to the employees. They trusted me, and I have failed them.

Zoya felt totally lost and alone. Zoya’s father had a lot of money and if he wished he can repay the loan in five minutes. All he had to do was to sign a check. But he would not do it as he hated Yash and was against Zoya taking care of Yash’s business and staying alone in Mumbai. He wanted her to go home with him to Mussoorie. Zoya had twice defied him. Once by marrying Yash against his wish and now by taking care of Yash’s business. Zoya was so broke at that moment that she could not think about anything further from there.

Zoya was lost in thoughts that she failed to notice a car stopping in front of her. Maya got down from the car worried and she ran to Zoya and sat down in front of her. Maya called Zoya’s name many times but Zoya did not react. Maya shook Zoya and suddenly Zoya came out of her daze and started crying. She suddenly hugged Maya and cried her heart out. Maya couldn’t understand anything, but she felt as though her heart was teared in to pieces. Maya broke the hug and took Zoya by hand and made her sit inside her car. Maya had no idea how to make Zoya stop crying as Maya had never tried to do such a thing before. Maya took tissues and wiped Zoya’s tears and asked her to calm. Zoya tried her best to stop crying.

Maya: Zoya, what happened? tell me. I don’t care what ever it is, I will fix it now. I promise you.

Zoya didn’t talk for a long time. Then asked Maya to drop her at Zosh events. Maya asked Zoya again for the reason of her crying. Zoya explained to Maya about what had happened. Yash had taken a loan from the bank two years ago and now the bank wanted the loan to be repaid or else they would attach Zosh events. Maya didn’t say anything. Zoya took deep breaths to calm herself down. She had kept herself from breaking for so long and this had to happen. She was totally broken. Maya looked at Zoya and she had a small smile on her face. She took her handbag and her check-book from it. Maya signed a check and gave it to Zoya.

Zoya: What is this Maya?

Maya: It’s what it is. It’s a check for one crore. You can give this to the bank and everything will be sorted.

Zoya was shocked by Maya’s gesture that she was unable to speak for a few moments. Then she spoke.

Zoya: I am sorry Maya, I can’t take this money from you. I am already indebted to the bank and I don’t want to build Zosh events this way. I have got a few events in hand and I will see if I can make enough money to pay the bank to ask for an extension. Maya, I hope you are not hurt. You may feel that I am proud, but taking this check from you is an easy way but if I wanted the easy way I would have stayed in Mussoorie with my family and would have had a peaceful life.

Maya was surprised by Zoya’s reaction, but she did not reply. She started the car and drove and stopped it in front of Zosh events. Zoya said good-bye to Maya and got down from the car. Maya did not stay behind but left the place right away.

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