Chapter five: New World

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Zoya sat on the chair with her laptop in front of her. She went through Zosh online website. The layouts, pictures and concepts were really beautiful. Zoya had to ask Maya for the password of her laptop as well. Zoya minimised the screen and then looked at the wallpaper on the laptop. It was Maya again. A collage of different expressions of Maya. Zoya had all the icons dispersed in different parts of the screen to not miss Maya’s eyes or her smile.
Zoya looked at the screen and realised how much the Zoya before the accident loved Maya. It was literally madness. Zoya felt bad for herself. She wished if she could love like that. She hated that she couldn’t feel that kind of love. It was a pity indeed. Zoya softly ran her fingers over the laptop screen and suddenly she found Maya walking in to the room. Maya and Zoya has been living in the same room for more than a month and still, they hadn’t had a good conversation. Maya always wanted to talk but Zoya would find an excuse to change the subject.
Maya looked at Zoya. Zoya was tensed and was definitely hiding something. Maya smiled.
Maya: What happened, Zoya?
Zoya: Nothing. Nothing at all. I was just checking Zosh website.
Maya: Yeah. Do you want my help in anything?
Zoya: Nothing. I am fine.
Maya: I have brought something for you.
Maya opened the box in her hand and showed it to Zoya.
Maya: Your favourite, KFC.
Zoya: KFC? What is that? I have never had it.
Maya: How do someone forget their favourite food, Zoya? Just eat it. You will remember.
Maya kept the box on Zoya’s lap and sat down on the floor in front of her. Zoya was surprised. Maya started picking up one piece from the box and helped herself with it.
Maya: Eat Zoya. Or else I will finish it all and you will cry.
Zoya: Okay.
Maya looked at Zoya with a sad smile. If it was the Zoya before the accident, she would have said that in that case, she will eat Maya’s cheeks. And would have done it and then Maya would have bitten very inch of Zoya’s skin. But the situation was different now. Maya sat silent and ate the chicken and Zoya ate with her. They didn’t say anything for some time. Then Zoya spoke.
Zoya: Don’t I like white anymore? It used to be my favourite colour. Now it seems like I love yellow.
Maya: Well, that. You used to love white the most but since the last two years you have started liking yellow. I don’t know why though. Everything in our house is yellow. Not that I mind it. I love everything you love. Even your cooking.
Zoya suddenly felt shy. She knew that her cooking was bad and she had always made bad food.
Zoya: I am sorry for the bad food I have cooked for you.
Maya: No, you cook very well now. But you cook a lot of yellow food items. And it’s funny how you make me eat them. You are obsessed with the colour for some reason.
Zoya had no idea why she was obsessed with yellow. She never loved that colour as far as she could remember. Zoya gave a confused and defeated look and Maya laughed out loved. There was something about her laugh, the carefree laugh. Zoya’s heart fluttered for a moment. She was not able to calm down. She looked at Maya without blinking her eye. Maya realised that and she suddenly stopped laughing.
Maya got up from the place. When Zoya looked at Maya like that, she had a sudden urge to kiss Zoya but if she did that then Zoya might get angry on Maya and she didn’t want that. She didn’t want to fall in the eyes of her wife. That would be the last thing she would do. The Maya before meeting Zoya was different. She was full of anger and full of possessiveness. But Zoya changed her and now Maya could understand that love is not about claiming something or someone. It’s sometimes about taking a back foot to see if you really deserve to be loved and Maya was ready to see that.
Maya was about to walk away when Zoya called her.
Zoya: Maya, I am done. Will you please help me to wash my hands?
Maya: I am sorry, I forgot.
Maya smiled and walked towards Zoya and took the box from her lap and kept it down. She then softly lifted Zoya and helped her to stand and walked her to the bathroom. Maya touches were so soft that Zoya wanted to remain in them for long. She didn’t even feel guilty of those thoughts. After washing her hands and face, Maya helped Zoya to her bed.
Maya: Rest now.
Maya was about to leave Zoya’s hand when Zoya caught her hand all of a sudden. Maya looked at Zoya in confusion.
Zoya: Would you take me to my office tomorrow?
Maya: You need rest, Zoya. I cant take you there. I am sorry.
Zoya: I am fine, Maya. I have only a broken leg. I wont walk much. I really want to go there. Please. You can take me right.
Maya thought for sometime.
Zoya: I am getting bored here. And you stay in office for the whole day.
Zoya suddenly regretted what she had said. She wanted the ground to swallow her whole. She didnt even know why she had said that.
Zoya: What I meant was that I feel really bored here.
Maya: I understand.
There was a lot of pain in Maya’s voice.
Zoya didn’t say anything. Her heart was confusing her.

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