Chapter 15: Speedbreaker

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Maya woke up early that day and made herself some coffee. The morning was cold due to some unknown reason. Maya was wearing shorts and her legs shivered in the cold. She took the coffee mug and walked to her room. Maya got on her bed and covered herself with the blanket and sipped the coffee. Maya had the raw version of the next month’s edition of Fashion and the City. Maya was going through the articles to make sure that they were perfect before publishing. Maya was reading the magazine very thoroughly when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. Maya snapped out of her thoughts and almost spilled the coffee on her. Maya kept the mug on the table and smiled. She knew it was Zoya. No one else had the key to her house.

Zoya: Maya, I am coming in.
Zoya opened the door and came in. She was wearing a blue saree and she was breathtakingly beautiful. Maya’s jaws dropped. Zoya gave a mischievously cute smile.
Zoya: You should probably close your mouth.
Maya covered her mouth with her hands and got out of her bed.
Maya: Hi Zoya. You look amazing today. Is there a wedding?
Zoya’s face dropped. She had an angry expression.
Zoya: I knew that you would forget. Last week we were talking about going out and you promised me that we will go today and had asked me to come to your house.
Maya: Oops, I am so sorry Zoya. I forgot. Oh no, I have a meeting today at my office about the next edition of our magazine.
Maya held both her ears and apologized and Zoya looked really annoyed.
Zoya: Fine, then I will go to my home and don’t even dare to call me out again.
Maya was confused and sad and didn’t know what to do.
Maya: Oh no, I forgot. I have fever and I am not feeling well.
Maya made a sad face and walked to her bed and got on it and covered herself with the blanket. Zoya was anxious and walked to Maya. She touched Maya’s forehead with concern but there was no temperature at all. Zoya got really angry.
Zoya: You are such a brat Maya. I really hate you.
Maya smiled widely.
Zoya: Why are you smiling now.
Maya: Because you look so cute when you are angry. Sometimes I want to eat you up, then I would think that if you are eaten then how would I see you again.
Zoya: That’s so sweet of you.
Zoya gave an angry smile.
Maya: Okay fine. I am serious. I will call my office and tell them that I am not coming today and then we will go anywhere you want.
Zoya: Can you actually do that?
Maya: No, I can’t Zoya. The meeting is really important. But I will come back fast. I am so sorry. You know that I don’t forget anything that fast. This just got out of my head. I am sorry.
Zoya: It’s okay Maya. It’s completely fine. I will wait here. But come back fast.
Maya: Yes, I will.
Maya jumped out of her bed, kissed Zoya’s hands and ran to the bathroom. Zoya smiled watching Maya run.


Zoya sat on the sofa watching TV, Maya had messaged her saying that she was on her way. Zoya checked the clock every other minute. Suddenly the calling bell rang. Zoya thought it was Maya and happily went and opened the door.

Arjun: Hello, I am hoping that you are Zoya Siddiqui. I had gone to your home and your father said that you are here.
Zoya: Yes, I am Zoya. I am sorry, I don’t know you.
Arjun: Well, we have met each other before in Musoorie. But I am sure that you won’t be remembering me. I am Arjun, Arjun Hooda. May I come in?
Arjun walked inside the house without waiting for Zoya’s permission.
Zoya: I remember you now. What can I do for you?
Arjun: I don’t want anything from you but forgiveness. I have come here to confess something that had been hidden since a long time.
Zoya: What do you mean? Please say clearly.
Arjun: I have known Yash for the last four years. He was Pooja’s friend. We had invested in his business when he wanted to start a company.
Zoya: Yeah, I know. Pooja had given Yash money. They were in love and he wanted to divorce me to start a new life with her.

Arjun: No, that’s not true, Zoya. Yash never loved Pooja. He never cheated on you or wanted to leave you.
Zoya was confused. She couldn’t understand what he was saying. Zoya started panicking.
Zoya: What do you mean?
Arjun: It was not Yash that Pooja had an affair with. It was me. It was all my fault. I have always loved Pooja even since my teenage. She was my only crush and love. But she chose my brother instead of me and soon realized that it was a mistake. Pooja was sad and lonely; my brother didn’t have time for her. He was too childish to understand what she wanted. Pooja was getting hurt in that relationship day after day. I am not trying to justify our act but Pooja was sad and I couldn’t see her that way. Me and Pooja started getting closer. She started sharing her problems with me and then our relationship went out of our hands. We fell in love and even slept together. Pooja got pregnant. We had two choices, either to forget everything and part ways or to tell everyone everything and get married. We chose to be together. But my mother came to know about it and she objected to it and warned us. We didn’t agree. Pooja had my child in her and I didn’t want to give up on it. But my mom didn’t want anyone to know about the affair or my family to be broken. So she got Pooja killed in a car accident. But it was not just Pooja who died. Yash was in that car too. He was safely bringing Pooja to your house to protect her from my mother.

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