Chapter 2: What matters most

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Sensitive topic..

Maya softly opened her eyes. She was still inside the white room. Her head and her stomach were still hurting. She didn’t know why it hurt so much. She tried to get up. She could feel something between her legs. It was a pad of some sort. She was changed in to a dark green hospital clothing. Maya could feel something pricking on her left hand. She looked at it and found a needle attached to her hand for drip. She tried to get up. Maya felt really tired and her head was spinning.
Nurse: Please lay down, Maya. You are really unwell. You shouldn’t be moving around.
Maya tried to pull the needle out of her hand.
Dr. Seema: Maya, what are you doing? Stop being so reckless. Lay down.
Maya looked at Dr. Seema. She couldn’t understand why she was in the hospital room and why Dr. Seema, her gynaecologist was attending to her. Maya looked at Seema with confused eyes. Maya tried to get up again.
Doctor: Maya, wait.
Maya: I want to see Zoya. How is she?
Maya was almost in tears.
Dr. Seema: She is responding and is out of danger now. She has a head injury but it’s not very severe. She will be fine. I have talked to her doctor.
Maya: Then just let me go to her. Why am I even here? I want to go. Take these things off me.
Doctor: We can’t let you in to the ICU yet, Maya.
Maya: Then let me sit outside. Let me just look at her face through the door. Please.
Dr. Seema: You are still bleeding and very weak, Maya. I cant let you go out now.
Maya: Why the hell am I bleeding?
Suddenly a realization struck Maya. She was pregnant. She had got the results that the embryo was stable and healthy on the same day that Zoya had got in to the accident. It was maybe yesterday or the day before yesterday. She couldn’t remember how many days had passed since then. Maya softly kept her hand on her belly. She looked in to Dr. Seema’s eyes.
Maya: How is Zoya’s child?
Doctor: I am sorry, Maya. You had a miscarriage.
Maya couldn’t understand the words at first. She could only hear a ringing in her ears. Tears fell from her eyes. Maya had trouble breathing.
Maya: My child. How?
Dr. Seema: You went through a heavy trauma yesterday because of Zoya’s accident. You bled a lot last night. We tried to save the child but we couldn’t. I am sorry, Maya.
Maya: It was her child. She wanted it so much. What am I going to tell her?
Maya could feel everything around her going in circles. She laid on the bed and cried hard.


A few months before

Maya looked at the child pulling Zoya’s hair again and again. Maya was getting angrier in every passing moment. But Zoya was not minding it at all. She was eating her food with a smile on her face at times.
Maya looked at the child with anger burning in her eyes. The child didn’t stop even after that. Maya called it’s mother.
Maya: Excuse me, ma’am, your little devil is pulling my wife’s hair. Can you keep it away from her?
Maya had a smile on her face which made the woman understand that Maya despised the child, the woman and her entire family tree.
The woman grabbed the child and placed it on her lap.
Zoya: It’s just a kid, Maya. Why are you getting so angry for a simple matter?
Maya: I hate kids and I hate when someone annoys you.
Zoya smiled.
Maya: Why are you smiling? Only I can annoy you. You are mine to annoy and mine to love. No one else have any right on you.
Zoya blushed.
Zoya and Maya were attending the birthday party of one of Zoya’s client’s child. There were many children and Maya could see how Zoya’s eyes widened seeing the children. Maya always knew that Zoya wanted a child. But Maya was not yet ready for such a responsibility. She couldn’t even imagine another person in between them. She wanted to be close to Zoya. She wanted no one else in their life. But she couldn’t show a blind eye towards Zoya’s wish for a child. Zoya wanted children with Yash but he never agreed. Maya didn’t want to be like him. She didnt want to be heartless and definitely not with Zoya.


Zoya and Maya laid on the bed watching the stars in the sky through the glass window. Zoya softly drew circles on Maya’s breasts. Maya smiled and took Zoya’s face in her hands and kissed her lips. Zoya smiled. Maya smiled back.
Maya: Let’s have a baby.
Zoya: What?
Maya: We can get a donor and have a child through artificial insemination. I have spoken to Dr. Seema last day. She explained that the process is not that complicated. She had shared the information about a few donors as well.
Zoya: Wait, Maya? You want to have a baby?
Maya: No, I don’t. I hate children. I love only you. You want to have a child and I think we should try for one.
Zoya: Really? Maya, I can’t believe it. You really want to do it?
Zoya sat up in excitement. Her eyes teared up.
Maya: Yes. I want to do it. But promise me that you will love me the most, always. The child should come second only. Promise me that, now.
Zoya: I promise, I promise, I promise.
Zoya smiled from ear to ear and looked in to Maya’s eyes. Maya got up all of a sudden and held Zoya’s neck in her hand and kissed her lips hard. They hugged each other and fell on to the bed laughing.


Dr. Seema: The scan and other test reports have come for both of you. And I am sorry to say this. It will be a risk to let Zoya carry a child. Her uterus is very weak. Maybe, because of the fall. As per the old medical reports, many of her internal organs were injured at that time. I wouldn’t suggest you to go for a child, Zoya.
Zoya’s face dropped. She really wanted to have a child. Now that Maya had also agreed, she thought that it would happen. Zoya was almost in tears and Maya saw that.
Maya: How about mine?
Zoya looked at Maya in disbelief.
Dr. Seema: Yours is quite fine, Maya. You can definitely carry a child.
Maya: Then what’s the issue? I will carry her child for her.
Zoya: How?
Maya: Like a surrogate mother. Fertilize her egg and transfer it to my uterus and I will deliver the child.
Dr. Seema: Wouldn’t it be better if we just inseminate you instead, Maya?
Maya: No, she is the one who wants to be a mother. It should be hers.
Zoya: Maya, you don’t have to do this. You don’t even like children.
Maya: I love you and I am doing it for you. Don’t tell me to change the diapers when it’s born. It’s all on you.
Zoya laughed with tears in her eyes. She whispered in Maya’s ears.
Zoya: I love you, Maya.
Maya: I know.


Maya came out of the hospital room after the zygote was implanted in her uterus. Zoya was tensed and sat on the hospital bench biting her nails. When Maya came out, Zoya ran to her.
Zoya: Are you alright? Is it hurting?
Maya looked at Zoya and smiled.
Maya: It’s not. But I have to be careful for the next few weeks. The embryo should stabilize. I will be on leave. I don’t want to take any risks.
Zoya: You don’t worry. I will take care of everything.
Maya: Zoya, you have promised. You will love me the most.
Zoya: You are jealous of your own child, Maya.
Maya: I don’t care about who it is. For you, I should always be the most loved. Always and always. Promise me.
Zoya: I promise, Maya. I will always love you the most. It’s going to hurt a lot.
Maya: What?
Zoya: The delivery.
Maya: I will think about you when I would deliver the child. Then it won’t hurt at all.
Maya smiled. Zoya cupped Maya’s face in her hand and softly kissed her temple.


Maya didn’t know what to tell Zoya. She couldn’t comprehend anything. She could only remember Zoya’s happy face when Maya had agreed to have a child. The way Zoya was excited and always talked about their child and brought toys and pictures of babies. Maya’s eyes were full of tears. She laid on the bed facing the wall and thought about Zoya’s smiling face and cried her heart out. She touched her belly softly. It was her child as well. A child she was starting to love.



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So here is the second chapter of's a short chapter..story starting from next chapter onwards..give feedback.. ❤❤

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