Chapter 4

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[** Authors Note: Thank you guys so so much for the reads and votes. I truly appreciate it. I just wanted to let y'all know in this story the thing I altered is that Marshall has no kids and Kim is just an ex-girlfriend (They never married) I hope that's okay! If you guys really dislike not having the kids in the story I can change it so just let me know. ♡ **]


"So do you only give out your stage name or somethin?" I asked. His hoodie smelt of mint and the smell of rain. I loved it.

"Nah, you have my blessings to call me by my first name; Marshall."

We were walking back to the front door now.

"Ayo, Eminem right?" A tall man called out.

"Yeah yeah," they gave dap. "What's happening?"

"They calling you on stag. It's go time baby!"

"Oh shit, sorry I got caught up."

I winced at his words feeling bad that I made him late to perform.

"Sorry!" I shouted as we entered the building and the loud music drowned us.

"You're good!" He yelled.

"Good luck."

And with that he disappeared into the crowd. I pushed my way to the front to be able to watch his performance when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Girl! Where you been? We was looking for you!" Allie shouted with a frustrated look drawn on her face.

"Sorry, I was just outside-"

"It's aiite but we gotta go! Kiara is piss drunk. She ain't doing so hot."

I frowned feeling sad. For Kiara feeling sick of course but I'll be honest, I really wanted to watch Marshall perform.

Allie and I made way back to outside and Allie was right. Kiara was laying on her side on the ground by Dante's car while Dante stood his distance watching her.

"Man why you let her lay in the dirt like dat!" Allie hollered, shoving Dante into the drivers seat. "Let's go!"

Allie and I helped Kiara into the back seat and we sped off.

Kiara was knocked out, her head against her sweater which was now rolled up as a DIY pillow.

Dante sneered. "I swear on my mama if she puke in my car ima-"

"You ain't gonna do shit Dante. Shut yo ass up!" Allie hissed. Dante went quiet and I stayed quiet; minding my own damn business.

"Why yo wearing that ugly ass hoodie, Peyton? You was looking all cute and shit!" Allie said turning around in the passenger seat to look at me.

SHIT! I forgot to give it back. "Just cold." I murmured dosing off.


I woke up to the car door being slammed shut.

"Childish fool!" Allie shook her head.

"What's wrong?" I asked half asleep.

"Nuttin' just Dante being a dick."

We were parked in front of Kiara's house. "We can't let her parents see her like this! What are we doing here?" I asked in a panic.

"Well if she don't show up at all, her parents will be even more pissed!" Allie claimed.

"She has to be watched doe. She's zonked."

"I guess she can sleepover at my place? I can drop off a letter saying she's just having a sleepover with me?" Allie suggested with stress behind her voice.

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