Chapter 8

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Cosmo Girl magazine once said "If your friends refer to him with his silly nickname, it isn't official." When I first thought back to that article, I thought that was all some bogus. However after overthinking for a solid hour, I came to the conclusion that Cosmo Girl magazine had to be right.

There's some solid evidence too. For example: in six seasons of the show Sex and The City, Carrie's friends all called Carrie's boyfriend Mr. Big. And Mr. Big and Carrie were nothing but a regular hook-up.

So today as I'm talking with Allie and Kiara about Marshall and I hanging out a couple nights ago, I am mortified when they call him "Candy Boy" again.

"Yo, his name is Marshall," I scoff lightly, shoving my hands into my hoodie's pockets.

Kiara puckered her lips, "I truly prefer 'Candy Boy'."

Allie perked her head up, "Or Dr. Dre's Project."

"Skittles?" Kiara suggested, looking for Allie's approval.

Allie nodded and started chuckling.

"Yuh guys better stop," I laughed, throwing popcorn in their direction.

I even wondered whether or not Marshall and I were official. Maybe he was just a huge flirt was trying to get me under the sheets. But as hot it would be to hook-up with Marshall, I wanted more from him. I wanted him to be mine and me to be his.

"Y'all think Marshall actually likes me? And doesn't just wanna smash?"

Allie and Kiara looked at each other, paused and then started laughing.

"Why would you say that? You seen the way he was lookin' at you," Allie said.

Kiara made a heart with her hands and shoved it in my face.

I slapped it away and chuckled. I hope that's what it would turn into. Love.

We were at Allie's crib, a horror movie playing while we pondered on how we would celebrate Halloween this year. It was tomorrow and we usually just went to a party nearby but we liked to always try and come up with the most complex costumes.

This year Halloween landed on a Saturday which meant it was a perfect time to get drunk and have a day after for recovery.

"Maybe this year we should just be thots," Kiara shrugged. "Cause this shit complicated."

"Yeah, let's just wear somethin' skimpy and pop on some mouse ears," Allie suggested reaching over me to grab some chocolate.

Honestly, I wasn't opposed to it. If Marshall went to the party, it would be nice to dress sexy for him.

"How about we be galactic, Martian, space, alien women...things?" Kiara proposed.

"That'd fo real be kinda dope. We can do our makeup all metallicy." Allie said.

"If we can find all this shit at the damn Dollar Tree, I'm in." I told them.


The next morning was cold but luckily sunny. I sat at my vanity, spinning on the chair.

There was some shuffling and then finally once the sound behind the phone cleared up, I heard him clear his throat.

"Hey-yo. Hello?" Marshall greeted loudly into the phone.

"Hey Hey, I'm here. Damn you don't know how to work a phone?" I laughed.

"Apparently not...where the fuck is the...volume shit?" He said, his voice distancing from the speaker.

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