Chapter 6

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As we walked back to St. Andrews Hall, Marshall wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. Although I was probably just an inch shorter to Marshall, he seemed so tall as I looked up to him.

When we got there, there were tons of people hovering about by the front door. Most likely saying their goodbyes and getting ready to leave.

For some reason I assumed once we got back, he would take his arm away from me, but if anything as we drew closer to all the people, he held me tighter. An unfamiliar feeling of desire and comfort overcame me. It felt as if I knew Marshall for years.

"Who's this?" A guy with heavy dreads asked Marshall, giving me a look.

"I'm Peyton," I smiled, reaching a hand out to him.

He shook my hand in return. "Damn Peyton. Need a real man?" He asked pulling me into the handshake.

Marshall nudged him away. "Man fuck off!" He jokingly said laughing.

"Aye you got a way home tonight?" Marshall asked me taking his arm off of me.

I thought of Kiara and Allie, hoping they hadn't become worried.

"Yeah, I came with my friends," I told him.

He nodded and turned towards me. "Come here," he wrapped me in a hug. A hug which felt as if we hadn't seen each other in forever. Such a simple gesture but it left my heart feeling fireworks.

Gosh, I could stay like this forever. He was definitely a good hugger.

I've never been in a serious relationship so for a moment I considered this was all some twisted joke or prank. I mean, why would someone like me, especially Eminem?

But as we unraveled, his kind-hearted grin put my worries to rest.

"See ya, Peyton."


Allie and Kiara were sipping pink coloured drinks when I found them.

"Girl! You missed the most intense battle, I'm shaking! Look, look," Kiara said showing me her shivering hand.

Allie stood up slyly, "What's got you all smiley, huh?"

I laughed. "Whattt?" I crossed my arms playfully and tipped my chin up. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Girl, I see all different shades of scarlet on ya face!" Allie cheered.

"We kissed!" I chimed.

"Virgin Mary bout' to get some, Virgin Mary bout' to get some!" Kiara sang as we stepped outside, waiting for Dante to show up.


Flipping my phone open and closed, I fell into a daze staring at the clock.

A hand tapped on my desk abruptly. "Lunch," my teacher Miss Jamison told me with an impatient tone.

I stood up taking my phone and walked down the hall to a slightly larger class room they called the lunchroom. I didn't have any friends at this school but I did talk with a few of the students every so often. I slid into a seat and made a bear against the table, something I found myself doing without even being aware.

"Hey Pony girl," one of my "acquantices" who went by "Mozzy" cheesed as he plopped down in front of me. When he first started calling me pony girl I assumed it was a reference to "The Outsiders" novel but apparently he recognized me from a My Little Pony commercial I did back when I was 12.

When I was younger, my mom was very serious about me getting into the spotlight. I had done quite a few gigs  actually; never anything big. I had come to liking acting a lot but then when I was around 15 my mom had stopped caring about it all. I have tried to get back into it on my own, but I'd always end up backing out from anxiety.

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