Chapter 10

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We stepped out of the pool, our skin painted with goosebumps. He headed to the shower stations and I followed, holding my shivering body.

"Just give it a min, it'll warm up," He said, cranking the shower handle to the left.

"Come here," He said with a hoarse voice as he pulled me into his arms. I put my arms around his neck and his around my waist and we stayed there for a second looking into each others eyes until he started tickling my rib cage.

"Ai ai chihuahua!" I yelped with laughter as I jumped away from his tickling into the water. "That shit's hot!" I told him, turning the handle to the colder side.

He went under the shower too and pushed my dripping hair out of my face. "Just like you," He said cheesily while making a 'call me' sign.

"Stop!" I giggled, trying to catch my breath. He smiled for a second and then quickly changed it to his serious glare he had most of the time. When he had this look, it was almost impossible to imagine the times he would smile or laugh but at the same time, he smiled and laughed often. He was a confusing and mysterious guy and I wanted to solve all of his puzzles and mysteries.

He scruffed up his hair under the shower head while I drained the chlorine from mine. As pervy as it sounds, I stared at him the whole time we rinsed ourselves down. I didn't know it was possible for Marshall to be more attractive, but the way the water fell down his body and he had his lips slightly parted had me wanting him in the shower all the time.

"You're amazing," I told him, instantly feeling insecure afterwords for how random I was.

He drew his eyebrows together. "Huh?"

"You're just so talented," I said suddenly feeling emotional. "I just-" my eyes felt hot but I blinked hard and shook my head trying to dismiss my feelings. "I really appreciate your music. You are gonna be something extraordinary."

"Pfft. I don't know bout that," He laughed, wiping the water out of his eyes.

"You have somethin' real special Marshall," I said quietly.

He pressed his lips together looking as if he didn't know what to say.

He shut the shower off and then grabbed a couple towels that were folded nicely on a shelving unit. He put a towel over my shoulders and then one over his. We patted ourselves dry quickly, as if we were fearing we would be caught. I pulled my clothes back on with a twisted and wry face, feeling grossed out because of the way the plasticy costume felt on my dampened skin.

"Yo you wanna stay the night?" Marshall asked while putting his sweatshirt back on.

Oh boy, of course I wanted to. My mom would probably be pissed though... "Of course!" I told him, grabbing my wig.

We stumbled out the door, laughing like we had just done the most rebellious thing. Which in my case, it was pretty rebellious but judging based on Marshall's picking the lock thing, I'm pretty sure he's done some riskier things.

Marshall put his arm over me like he always would when we were out at night. It was very comforting actually and I wondered if it was just a habit of his or he really wanted to protect me.

"Your mom won't mind I stay over, right?"

"Nah, I'm a grown man!" Marshall assured me.

"Yeah, a grown man that's living with his momma doe," I joked.

Marshall didn't respond and I considered that maybe he took my joke to heart.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it in a bad way."

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