The Note

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At 7:30 in the morning, (Y/n) woke up and left a goodbye note by Sabrina's bed then she drove back home.
   She parked in her garage and hesitantly unlocked and opened the door. No sign of the yellow bunny. (Y/n) crept cautiously into her house, looking out for him. She looked everywhere in her house. He was gone. The only evidence that he was there, was a note he left on (Y/n)'s bedroom door. It read: I'll be back soon so I can finish what I was about to start.-ST. (Y/n) shuttered.
    She went into the kitchen to eat breakfast then she went into her bathroom to take a shower and brush teeth then she got dressed and put the note in her pocket. She wanted to tell the gang down at the pizzeria about what happened the night before and what Springtrap was planning to do. She went throughout the day doing her normal everyday things and when it was time, she got in her car and drove to her job.

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