Truth or Dare!

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"What's Truth or Dare?" Chica asked. (Y/n) replied, "Truth or Dare is a game where you ask any of the players if they want to pick Truth or Dare. If they pick Truth, you have to ask them a question and they have to tell the truth. If they pick Dare, then you have to Dare them to do something they wouldn't normally do. I'll go first to show you. Hey Foxy, Truth or Dare?" "Truth lass." Foxy said. "Ok. Is it true that you love me?" Foxy blushed and answered, "Y-Yes. It is." "Awwwwww!!" The other 3 exclaimed. "Foxy you never told us you had a girlfriend!" Bonnie said. Foxy blushed even more. "'Now Foxy has to ask one of you guys Truth or Dare." (Y/n) said. Foxy cleared his throat, then turned to Freddy. "Freddy, Truth or Dare?" "Um...Dare I guess." He replied. "I Dare ye to do your best pirate accent lad." Freddy tried to do his best pirate accent witch made everyone laugh until their faces were red. "Chica, Truth or Dare?" He asked the chicken. Chica thought for a moment. "Uh...Truth." "Is it true that you were the one who pooped on the girls bathroom floor?" Chica turned red and said, "Yes....(Y/n), Truth or Dare?" (Y/n) yelled out Dare. "Ok (Y/n)," Chica said, "I dare you to sing a song on stage." (Y/n)'s face turned white. "What's wrong, lass?" Foxy asked her concerned. "I-I have stage fright."

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