His Return

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v.
It was the first Monday of August. It's been a month since (Y/n) first got the night shift job and since she and the gang at the pizzeria saw and spoke to Springtrap. She desperately hoped that they would never see him again but she also wanted him to be sent to another dimension.
It was 11:50 and (Y/n) had just left her house and was on her way to pick up Sabrina so they could go to the pizzeria. Once she got their, Sabrina was waiting outside in her driveway and she got in (Y/n)'s car then they were in their way. They drove silently to the pizzeria and when they got there, they parked the car, got out, and went in to see a sight they did not want to see. Springtrap was once again standing in the middle of the room but this time, he was the only one in there besides (Y/n) and Sabrina. "What did you do to my friends?" (Y/n) asked clenching her teeth. Springtrap smirked then said, "What makes you think I'm going to tell you?" Then he looked at Sabrina, "Who's this and whybis she here?" "You don't need to know who I am! And I'm here because I heard all about the sh*t you put (Y/n) in and I want to help defeat you!" Sabrina snapped at him. He laughed. "You can't defeat me! I know all about your little plan to teleport me to another dimension. Pfft! So stupid." He said smirking. (Y/n) and Sabrina lunged for him bit dodged both of them. He then went over to (Y/n) and asked, "Do you want to see what I did to your family?" (Y/n) nodded. He put her back in the ground and motioned for both girls to follow him. He led them to the kitchen. (Y/n) saw something she didn't want to see. Tears cane to her eyes.

A/n: Sooooo sorry I haven't updated this story for a while! I had run out of ideas for the story but here's the chapter

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