A Quest

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I search the nights
And tread the days
The nagging feeling
'Find' it says
The nagging feeling
Requests me
To go on a journey
To fill an empty heart
Why? I ask
Your heart is lonely, it said

'What do you need?'
I asked my heart
'You find it'
It replied

Off I went
Searched mountains and the sea
Looked through soft sandy beach
And rough terrains
Floated through puffy clouds
And breaking thunderstorms

I could not find
The one thing
That would fill my empty heart
I came back to the deepest corner of my room
And searched the bookshelf
There lay
Untouched, dust-ridden

The words of Allah
With all its grandeur and majesty
Stood silently in the corner
I flipped open
Hoping, wishing
The answer to my question
'Why is my heart empty?'
Come finding me

I searched and stared
The words engraved
On the thick paper
I found a verse
The verse

'Indeed, We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein'
As soon as my eyes scanned through the verse
My eyes felt heavy
Tears ready to stream down
Wetting my dry cheeks

The intepretation
The hidden meaning
Appearing in the depth of my heart
'Why do you go around
Searching for a filler
Which goes by the name LOVE
When you can find it
In the warm embrace
Of Allah
The Ar-Rahman, Ar-Raheem?'

'How can a heart created for Him
Be filled with anything
Other than Him?
How can a heart created for Him
Be contented
With anything other than Him'?

Search for Him
And you will soon find Him
For eternal bliss
The real 'Happily Ever After'

Poems: Scarred Sunshine (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now