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I tried writing about you
But what dripped out of my pen
Were not ink, but tears

I still remember the smile in your eye
When you lay your sight
On the girl you love

I still remember the smirk on your lips
When you tease me
But you never went overboard
You knew my heart was as brittle as plastic

I still remember the glint in your eye
When you share the saddest of your stories
Trusting me with your life

I still remember our moments together
Our laughter, our pain, our smile and our frowns
Our heart interconnected
And they perfected each other
Like jigsaw puzzles falling into place

I still remember you
And our moments together
Though you are no more in my life
You will remain forever
In every cell
That make up my heart

Poems: Scarred Sunshine (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now