The Traveller of Life

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The center leads to love.
Soul opens the creation core.
Hold on to your particular pain.
That too can take you to God.

Here I stand,
As a traveller, wanderer, a nomad
Travelling through the path of life,
Skimming through places,
Reading through people,
Living through experiences.

The constant transition,
From dream, to reality, to memories
Each feels as long as eternity
Each state holds a different key
To unlock the wisdom,
The gift of life

I close my eyes,and fall into a deep slumber
Life play out in my mind
Dreams as sweet as honey
A life of its own kind
Albeit with no control of mine

As I open my eyes,
And face the reality of life,
Happiness, love and ambitions
Are none but lies
Each decision
Each throw of a die
Changes the life
From the peak of the mountain
To the foot of it
A game of snake and ladder
Is life

My reality, peppered with memories
My longing of the past
Is nothing but pathetic cries
I drench my pillow every night
With tears and silent cries
To others
I am asleep
But only I know
Sleep is my medicine
To numb the pain
By reuniting with death
For a short, short while

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