The Blessed Nights

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Ya Allah
The most blessed time of the year
Is now here
Thank you for allowing me
To breathe
To live
On this last ten days of Ramadhan
Allow us to indulge
In the beauty of these nights

Ya Allah
I know you will accept my dua
On these blessed nights
We want to ask you
Without a doubt
That you are the All-Seeing, All-Hearing
Though our sins reach the sky
We want to ask you
Without a doubt
Because we know you will accept my dua
Although we might be a weak, despicable slaves

Ya Allah
We ask you for a qalb
A heart
Filled with love
Your love, mercy and rahmah
We ask you for a heart so strong
No hardship can weaken it
No pain can crumble it

Ya Allah
We ask you for a soul so strong
It rises in the face of failure
But never fails to submit to you
We ask you for a soul
That jumps over hurdles
And not that
Which trips over stepping stone
And chooses to stay on the ground
Hopeless, heedless

Ya Allah
We ask you for eyes
Which only sees the goodness of people
We ask for you tongue
Which only speaks good of people
And we ask you for a heart
Which only thinks good of people

Ya Allah
We ask you for a life
Filled with peace, contentment, satisfaction
Serenity, that no hurricane can destroy
We ask you for self-suffiency
That we never stand infront of people
Begging for their mercy
We ask you for rizq
That we never have to carry
The weight of debt
On my fragile shoulders

Ya Allah
We ask you for a heart so soft
We can forgive our enemies
And a heart so strong
We can rid it
Of ill-feelings and negative emotions
And a heart so beautiful
It only complains of its grief and sorrow to You

Ya Allah
We ask you for a voice so strong
We can save ourselves
And our fellow brothers
From the shackles
Of torture and oppression
We ask you for a physique so strong
We don't die with diseases crippling our strength

We ask you, Ya Allah
For all the goodness of dunya and akhirah
For we are in need of whateer goodness you send upon us
Let us not let out our last breath
Except by the words
Laa Ilaaha Illallah
Muhammadu Rasulullah

We have raised our hands
In hope and desperation
Do not let us wait
In exasperation
Do not let lower our hands
In disappointment

Ya Rahmaan, Ya Raheem
Accept our sincere supplication
For this is what we are capable of
On these last ten nights
Of Ramadhan

P.s. Salam readersss. Heh so finally an update right. Eid is just around the corner, so it is time to accelerate to the finish line guys. How had your Ramadhan been? Do share with me some of your struggles in Ramadhan in the comments below and don't forget to vote! Eid Mubarak!!!

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