The Golden Cage

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A little hummingbird
Stuck in a cage
Mighty and huge
Shiny, glittery
Gold, it was made

Stuck with it
Other little birds
Parrots and woodpeckers
Robins and crows
All with their little perks
Uniqueness in all

Locked together
In a golden cage
Elegant and elaborate

But lo' behold
What is the point
The birds were created with wings
To touch the clouds
And fly through the sky

The owner of the keys
The golden cage
Holds the key tight
He puts up a play
In the name of love
'No danger shall impend on the birds'
He mutters
No, the heart tells a different tale
Control is what he wants
He wanted to impose
And slab the freedom
Of the little, free birds

He fails to realise
The birds are meant to fly
They were created to soar
Past the clouds,
Through the beaming rays
Of sunlight
They were meant to evade
The preying eyes
Of heartless, deadly predators
They were meant to spread their wings
Through thunderstorm
And drift through hurricane
The sky is their home
The place of true happiness
Not the golden cage
Dreaded, defeaning

Not even the sweetest nectar
From the brightest flower
In the biggest flowerbed
Is as sweet, succulent
As freedom

Let the bird soar
As high as it wants
Far, far away
From the golden cage

P.s. A big thank you if you have read this far. Hope you liked this poem. This poem was inspired by a real life event, which happened in a human's life. Do comment and vote if this piece was not-so-bad. 😀😀😀

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