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Don't cuddle up in your bed
Unable to muster the courage
To rise, to strive
Don't drench your pillow
With tears of pain
Don't pull the blanket
And cover your face
Unable to wake up
You still have
The world to face

Don't sleep
To forget the pain
I know you feel drained
But remember
Do not let your energy and efforts
Go vain
Don't shut the door behind
To the world and all it contain
Break the shackle
And the chain
There is still so much
For the world to gain
From your strength
And even your pain

You are the greatest asset
The world contains
Turn your tears
To pearls
Of victory
And smiles

P.s. This poem is especially dedicated to my readers who have in some point in time, faced depression, anxiety or any mental health issue. I have battled depression for about a year now and alhamdulillah, am slowly healing. So I just want to tell to you, the brave warrior, that you are much, much stronger than whatever that you are facing. Better days will come, provided you battle against your demons. Love yall 💗💗💗

Poems: Scarred Sunshine (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now