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As Esther rode in the back seat of the mini-van, the other four members were twisting in their seats, staring at her. More like gawking at her.

"Oh, come on!" Louis said, laughing. "Let the poor girl alone. You're making her uncomfortable!"

"Lou!" Harry said with astonishment. "You said that I could compare her to Taylor Swift!"

"No," Niall said, shaking his head. "She is leaps and bounds above Taylor."

Esther blushed and looked down at her hands. She was used to peolple saying things like this about her. But she still flushed whenever she heard it said. All she was doing was letting her light shine, and the rest seemed to follow. Esther wasn't acting or being fake, she was being herself.

"Esther," Liam said, making her look at him. "Do you come to the UK often?"

"This is my first trip anywhere," she replied, clasping her hands in her lap. "I've never travled outside of Puerto Rico. It's almost invisible, and its hard to leave. Economically speaking."

"Puerto Rico?" Zayn asked with curiousity.

"Isla del Encanto," she quoted, "Island of Enchantment."

"Oh!" Niall exclaimed. "Now I understand why you call it invisible. We've never gone there."

Esther nodded her head.

"So, you've never been to one of our concerts?" Hary asked slowly, almost apologetically but not quite.

"Not one, but I've watched most of your performances on the internet and the television. Plus, I think I sent the most text messages, in Puerto Rico anyways, for Comic Relief."

The boys each exchanged a distressed look with one another. Esther bit her lip, she hadn't meant to make them regress.

"Thank you," Harry said, giving a crooked smile.

"So," Esther said, hoping to brighten the mood again. "What are you guys planning to do today?"

"Did you bring something to go swimming?" Zayn asked.

"I always do," she replied, nodding.

"Good, then we'll have a jolly time at the pool. If the weather holds out."

"A public pool?"

"No," Louis replied, grinning as he hook his head. "We've got our own private pool where we're going."

Esther made an O with her mouth. Where were they going? she wondered.

"Question," she said slowly, biting her lip. "How, exactly, are you guys planning on arranging where I'll sleep? Because Louis didn't mention the subject."

"Well," Harry said, "there are basically three rooms at the houe we're going to. Two of us can bunk with each other, in each room."

There was a hint of flirting in his tone as he said this, causing Esther to put her guard up.

"The third bedroom is usually empty," Liam added, "unless the girls are with us. Then Louis and Zayn will be with them and the rest of us bunk together."

Esther nodded slowly. "Ok, um... I'll stick with the couch, if that is what it comes to. I'm not really comfortable about sharing a room with boys. No offense."

"No," Niall said, shaking his head. "You'll have the room to yourself."

"Exactly," Louis said, "besides Zayn and Harry usually bunk together. And Nialler will bunk with whoever he feels like. We're not going to allow you to stay on the sofa."

"I don't want to inconvenience you."

"Nonesense!" Zayn said with a smile.

Esther smiled timidly and nodded.

It was around lunch time when Esther and the band pulled up to a little house.

"Pizza for lunch!" Harry announced, jumping out of the van.

"I'm guessing he already ordered it," Esther said, pointing to the pizza delivery car that had just stopped in front of them.

"Evidently," Louis replied with a chuckle. "We'd better hurry so that he doesn't eat it all with Niall."

Niall had run after Harry to help with the pizza boxes. Esther giggled and got out of the van. She got her bags from the trunk and followed Louis, Liam and Zayn into the house.

"Esther," Harry said, calling her to the dining room. "Do you like extra cheese?"

"Love extra cheese," she replied, "thank you. Hey, is it alright if we pray before we eat?"

Louis smiled and nodded eagerly. Zayn, Liam and Niall shrugged. Harry nodded slowly and put his plate down on the table. Esther lowered her head and began to pray.

"Lord, we just want to take this time to thank You for thses provisions, for which we are about to receive. I ask that you would bless it to our bodies. In Jesus' name, amen."

When Esther looked up again, she accidently made eye contact with Harry, ubut only for a second because he looked away. She took her plate and went to sit in the living rom with Louis.

"He's not like he was last year," she whispered to Louis before taking a bite of her pizza. "The spark that was in his eyes is almost disappeared."

"Then I'm not crazy," he whispered back. Something must be bothering him, or else he wouldn't behave the way he does. You haven't seen it yet though."

"What are the whispers about?" Liam asked, joining them on the sofa.

Esther looked at Louis, he made a barely visible motion with his lip.

"I was just about to tell Louis about a friend I have back home," Esther replied cooly. "David's face almost made me want to cry when I left. He followed me to the airport."

"How are you acquainted with David?"

"We work together in a movie theater ticket booth."

Liam smiled "Esther, you must hear this all the time, but I've gotta say it. There's something about you, it's as if you were an angel."

Esther smiled and looed at her plate.

"You've caused her to blush!" Louis exclaimed accusingly. "Liam, how dare you!"

She threw her head back and started laughing. She loved to laugh.

"Louis, how dare you!" Liam spat back. "You've caused her to break out in laughter!"

She laughed even harder. "Guys," she said, standing up to look to them both. "You have no idea how rarely I'm told that. The only one to ever say that to me wa my dad."

The two grinned.

"Oh!" Louis said, wiping his mouth. "When should we make time to talk more about the Bible? I really enjoyed what you told me."

"Whenever you want," Esther replied, sitting back down. I also have some cool Bible movies on my laptop."

"What kind?" Liam asked with curiousity.

"Visual performances of stories in the world's greatest book. I have David, Moses, Abraham, Joseph... I think I have a movie called One Night with the King. Which is the almost Hollywood version of Queen Esther, which I also have."

"I didn't know that you were a queen!" Louis gave her a squeeze and a shake.

"Who's a queen?" Zayn asked as he, Harry and Niall entered the room.

"Esther," Liam replied, shoving against her playfully.

"Then my guess was basically spot on," Niall said jokingly, smiling. "I thought she was a princess."

"My guess was around there," Zayn added.

Harry shrugged and shoved his whole slice of pizza into his mouth.

"Manner Haz," Louis said, "there's a lady present."

Harry rolled his eyes, but nodded. Esther sighed and smiled softly.

He is so hurting about something, she thought to herself. But what?

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