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As Esther followed David and her dad to the airplane, she felt a bit broken hearted. Harry had been staying away from her since the day she had prayed for Keera. However, Esther was also glad because while she had been with Keera, the other band members had asked David some questions. The questions soon led to them saying the sinners' prayer with David. Esther was overjoyed to know that they had accepted Christ in their lives.

"Are you okay?" David asked, putting his arm around Esther's shoulders.

"Yeah," she replied slowly. "I guess I am just going to miss the boy."

"Don't worry; you will see them again soon. Louis wants you to come for Christmas."

She smiled, "Yeah."

►Dec. 23, 2014◄

Esther was just getting out of the gate when she heard someone shout her name.


She turned and smiled when she saw Louis and Niall waving at her.

"We missed you so much!" they exclaimed as they squashed her in a large hug.

"I missed you too!" Esther said laughing.

For a moment, they could only hug each other. Esther may not have realized it then, but this hug was very healing for both Louis and Niall. They were hurting inside, it was an unexplained pain.

"Have you seen Harry lately?" Esther asked later when they walked to the car.

"Only at concerts," Louis replied, pulling her suitcase. "Other than that, rehearsals, but nothing more. We are lucky if he even shows up."

"He is supposedly coming to Simon's Christmas party," Niall added. "If he does, Simon wants to talk to him."

"I am sorry you lost his friendship."

"Now, don't you go blaming yourself," Louis said, unlocking the trunk. "You didn't do anything. Harry did not know how to react and did not understand. You know that Keera is in a better place that is all that matters now."

"God knows where Harry is," said Niall, "and He will watch over him."

"I know," Esther shrugged, "I just... I don't know." She shivered. "It's really cold."

The boys chuckled and they got in the car.

They arrived at Louis' house a while later. His sister, Lottie, ran to greet them.

"Esther!" she said, hugging her. "I finally get to meet you face to face."

"I know," Esther replied. "Louis, your sister is so grown up. You had better be keeping a watchful eye on all those guys that will be coming around."

Louis chuckled "Don't worry," he said, "Lottie only has one love."

"Speaking of love," Niall said as they sat in the family room. "How is David doing?"

"Things are going really well," Esther explained. "We have set the wedding date for Valentine's day."

Esther and David had gotten engaged at Thanksgiving.

"Congratulations!" Lottie said, smiling ear to ear.

Esther beamed "Than you," she said with a smile. "David told me that you are all invited. It is going to be a small wedding, just my family and David's parents."

At that moment, the door opened and in walked Zayn and Liam.

"Vas happenin'?" Zayn asked with a grin.

"Esther!" Liam said, running to hug her.

"You look good," she said, pulling away to hug Zayn.

"You are not so bad yourself," he said with a chuckle. "Just fooling, you look amazing."

"Esther is getting married!" Lottie announced excitedly.

Liam and Zayn looked at Esther and grinned.

"Victory dance!" they shouted and began jumping about excitedly.

Everyone began to laugh and joined in the victory dance.

"Oh!" Esther exclaimed, smiling broadly. "Guess what I learned."

She kicked off her shoes and ushered for them to follow her to the backyard. Esther went to the far side of the yard and stood by the fence. After a running start, she did a cartwheel and twisted into a double back flip.

"You've done it!" Zayn shouted, laughing in astonishment.

"I am working on making it a triple," Esther said, taking her hair down to fix her ponytail. "Eeks! My feet are freezing!"

"Then put your shoes back on!" Louis chuckled, handing them to her. "Why did you take them off in the first place?"

"Because they make me feel like I have weights on my feet," she replied, leaning on his shoulder as she pulled her hoes on. "So... Simon's Christmas party?"

"You are so lucky," Lottie smiled. "I have to go with Mum and the girls elsewhere."

"You were not invited Charlotte," her brother said, giving her a squeeze. "But having you come along would not be a bad thing. Mum will be coming for you soon."

Lottie hugged Louis back before going back inside with Esther.

That night Esther could not sleep. Her mind was preoccupied with so many thoughts. However, that was not what kept her awake. Esther was three and a half months pregnant, and for the first time she was feeling the baby move. She and David were getting married, but they were already living together as a couple. The reason behind this was that Esther and David did not want a wedding. However, David's parents wanted them to have a wedding. Therefore, David and Esther set a date for their sake. Esther's parents had given her their blessing; David moved in with Esther then. Esther and David had been living with each other for nearly five months now.

As Esther paced around the backyard, she could not help smiling as she rested her hand on her bump.

"I know that you are excited," she whispered to her belly. "You are just beginning to move, its new and fun. But Mommy needs her sleep."

Her smile grew as she felt the baby kick in response.

"I am enjoying it just as much as you. I wish your daddy were here to enjoy it with me. You will get to hear his voice soon enough."

Esther sighed and patted her tummy as she walked around to the front of the house. The late night air sent chill down her neck; she pulled her coat tighter around her. She giggled softly when the baby began kicking again.

"You like hearing my voice?" Esther asked, sitting on the front step. "Well, I love feeling you move around. I do not know if you are a boy or girl, I do know that your daddy wants you to have a name that starts with D. I am just going to call you D until you are born. Okay, Baby D?"


She looked up at the approaching figure, standing in surprise. In the faint moonlight, she could just make out the curly brown hair.

"You were truly missed," Harry said as Esther welcomed him with an embrace. "I am so sorry."


Author's Note (3/22/2015): Okay, I don't usually write author's notes at the end of a chapter. But this time it was necessary. I know this will be a question you will want answered. David and Esther did not commit adultery or fornication. And here is why: When you have a close relationship with God, He will speak to you and show you what He has planned for you through the Holy Spirit. Esther (and David) have that kind of relationship with God. It was God who placed them together, which means they really do not need to have a "wedding" per-say because they have already been untied before God. If this is unclear, please forgive me, I am not the best at explaining this. ~Haddie

Praises and Miracles [Christian One Direction Fan Fiction]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα