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It had been nearly six months since that night. Harry was in his mother's backyard, playing with his cats, and some neighboring kittens. Harry was visiting his mother and sister while he was on a break.

"Harry!" came Gemma's voice. "You have a visitor."

"I didn't invite anyone over," he said to himself with puzzlement. "Coming!"

He stood and went in the house. When he entered the family room, he noticed a girl with her back turned to him. She was talking to Gemma.

"There he is," Gemma said, smiling at her brother.

The visitor turned and smiled a familiar smile.

"Esther!" Harry said, advancing towards her for an embrace.

"Hazza!" she said, laughing. "I got tired with anticipation and came as quickly as I could."

Feeling something strange in her form, Harry pulled away and looked at her. He stared in shock. Gemma smiled and left the room.

"How many months?" he asked, barely able to speak.

"Eight and a half," Esther replied, hugging her bulging belly.

"That doesn't add up. Esther, quit joshing with me."

"No really! I am eight and a half months pregnant."

"But...that would mean," Harry stuttered in disbelief. "How?"

Esther sighed, "Sit down," she said with a smile.

They sat on the sofa. Harry could only gape at Esther's belly. How was it possible for her to be so far in pregnancy?

"When David and I went back to Puerto Rico," she began, "he told me what the doctor had told you. It broke my heart, but I said God's will be done. I was not going to fight God. So a week goes by and I started to feel sick. I went to see my doctor. David and I had not told her what happened, so she had no clue. She told me that it was perfectly normal to feel morning sickness during that stage of pregnancy. When I heard that, I said that I was no longer pregnant and explained the story to her. She said 'well, unless I am mistaken, this is the same pregnancy I diagnosed you with almost four months ago.' I left in utter shock. Then I thought back to when you were with me in the hospital. And I remembered something." Esther paused, smiling as she took Harry's hand and placed it on her stomach. "I remembered this prayer that I heard. It was a barely audible voice, but the prayer went like this. 'Father, Esther is in pain. She was so happy the other night. Give her a miracle. Give Baby D back to her. Please.' Then I knew."

Harry could not hold back any longer. He covered his face with his hands and broke down in tears.

"Harry," Esther went on, laughing softly. "Are you crying? Don't be sad, this is a really good thing."

Suddenly Harry was shaking and laughing. He pulled his hands away and looked at Esther. His eyes were dancing as he smiled.

"So..." he began, "that means..."

"I got my miracle."

"And it is Baby D?"

Esther smiled broadly. "David wants to call her Darcy."

He looked at her bump and touched it gently. He chuckled when he felt the baby kick his hand.

"Eight and a half months," Harry laughed again.

"Yep," Esther smiled, "and I'm stuck here for a while. Since I am nearly nine months, I had to bribe the airline so that I could get on the plane!"

They laughed and began talking about current events.

Later that night, while eating dinner, Harry could not stop singing. He sang the song 'What Faith Can Do'.

"That song fits the situation," said Harry's mother, Anne.

"Harry," Esther said. "I've been meaning to ask you. Have you made amends with the others? Aside of Niall?"

"Over the phone," he replied softly. "At concerts we talk, but not as much as before I suppose. They still do not know that I was there that day."

"Are you ever going to tell them? Do you know what a blessing that would be for them?"

"I don't know when, but I want to."

There came the sound of a car horn.

"They cannot know that I am here," Harry and Esther said at the same time.

"You don't even know that it is them," Gemma said, laughing.


Esther and Harry exchanged a look and quickly stood to leave the room. They hid in Gemma's old bedroom.

"What's your excuse?" Harry asked with a chuckle.

"David and I are supposed to be in Dubai," Esther replied, sitting on the bed. "It is a missionary trip my dad was planning. David did go, and I came here. But since I am pregnant, my dad still thinks that I am at home."

"Oh, you are a naughty one, aren't you?"

"Only when it is for a truly good cause. Like telling you that your prayer was answered."

Harry smiled a cheeky smile. "I had lost hope after a month," he said. "I prayed consistently for you."

"My dad always says 'just because you don't see God doing something, it doesn't mean that He didn't already answer us'."

Esther smiled and looked at her hands.

"Thank you Esther."

"For what?" she asked, looking up.

"For not losing hope on me," Harry replied. "For you faithful prayers and for being yourself."

"Well, I thank God for giving me strength and endurance to keep you in my prayers. I almost lost hope when we were in Ghana."

"I'm sorry; I didn't know how to accept that."

Esther smiled, "Harry," she said, standing to hug him. "God has a purpose behind everything He does. We are all pieces of a puzzle, set on earth for His service."

"Amen," he said as he pulled away. "So, do you plan to tell the others about the believable miracle?"

"They are going to find out soon enough," was the reply. "It is just a matter of timing."

Just then, Gemma entered the room.

"It was only Lottie," she said, closing the door behind her. "She was in a rush, but she said to hold these."

She held up a set of keys to Esther.

"Lottie is so good at riddles," Esther said, taking the keys.

"You told Lottie" Harry asked with a grin.

"I tell Lottie everything."

Esther smiled and they all returned to the dining room.

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