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The due date drew closer and closer. Esther was staying with Gemma at her flat, and Harry was there every day. David had asked him to look out for Esther until he arrived some time that week, hopefully before the baby was born. Things were peaceful.

Gemma had gone out for the day, so Harry was setting up a movie for them to watch. Esther sat in the big armchair, trying to get comfortable. She kept twisting and repositioning herself, but nothing worked.

"Esther, are you alright?" Harry asked when he saw her strained expression.

"I just can't get situated," she replied, going to lie down on the sofa. "Darcy keeps telling me that she's almost ready."

"Can I do anything?"

"Turn the air up?"

Harry stared at her in disbelief. The air-conditioner was set to almost freezing, and he was wearing his winter coat on a summer afternoon.

"Hormone imbalance," Esther reminded him apologetically. "I know, and I am sorry that you have to put up with me."

Harry laughed, "I don't mind at all. As long as you don't joke about going into labor."

"Ha-ha! I would never do that to you. I saw the Nick prank-Ow!"

Esther winced as she placed a hand on her stomach.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, instantly at her side. "What happened?"

She grabbed his shoulder in response, clutching his shirt for dear life. Her breathing came in fast, short puffs. When it was over, Esther sighed ad rested her head back.

"I'm sorry about your shirt," she said, breathing deeply.

"Was that a contraction?"

"Yes, it was," she replied, keeping her eyes closed. "I spoke with my mom. Contractions are normal at this stage of pregnancy."

"Can I get you anything?" Harry rubbed her hand gently.

"An ice cube would be nice."

He nodded and went to the kitchen. When he returned, Esther was no longer in the living room.

"Esther, where are you?" he said as he walked towards the other rooms.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Harry hesitated, but went to the intercom.

"Hello, who's there?"

"You see?" came Louis' voice. "I knew we could find him here. Harry, let us up! It is very important."

"Are the boys with you?"

"Along with Perrie, Eleanor and Sophia," Zayn replied.

Harry looked towards the hall as Esther passed through to the bedroom.

"Alright," he said, opening the door.

He locked the door to the outer hallway, however, wanting to prolong the others from entering the apartment. After doing this, Harry went to check on Esther.

"They are every few minutes," she said in a strained voice, clutching Harry's hands. "Darcy is coming today whether I want her to or not."

"What about the others?" Harry asked, uncertain of what to do.

"Let them in."

"Don't you want to be-"

"I am having this baby here, I don't care."

Esther's breathing slowly became normal and she could relax again. Harry helped her back to the sofa. He gave her a blanket and the ice.

"Open this door, Harold!"

Harry ran to the door, but did not open the door just yet.

"If I let you in," he began, "will you try to keep quiet? There is someone here who does not need that kind of noise right now."

"That all depends," Louis replied from the other side of the door. "Who is it?"

Harry sighed and opened the door. Perrie and Eleanor smiled, and ran to Esther's side. Sophia followed slowly; she still was not acquainted with her yet. Louis, Zayn, Liam and Niall also entered, but they looked at Esther with puzzlement.

"What on earth is going on?" Liam asked slowly.

"A miracle," Esther replied calmly. "I am indebted to him for it."

"Then," Eleanor said, smiling wider. "What Lottie told us was true."

Perrie covered her mouth as she tried to contain her joy.

"Yes, I told Lottie to tell you."

Sophia smiled with exceeding joy; Lottie had told her everything. Niall stepped forward, trying to piece the puzzle together. However, perhaps he was getting it wrong because his expression turned into disgust.

"It is not mine," Harry said, shaking his head with disappointment. "That is the same baby from before."

"How do you about that?" Zayn asked slowly.

"Because I was there," he replied, hanging his head slightly. "I took Esther to the hospital that morning; I went to Puerto Rico to get David and brought him up here. I had the intention of making things right, and I turned into a coward."

"You can tell them the story later," Esther said, her voice was strained again. "Right now we need to get David on the phone."

Harry nodded and pressed the speed-dial on his phone. Eleanor, Perrie and Sophia sat around Esther, holding her hands and rubbing her bump.

"I just got off the plane," David said when he answered. "How is Esther doing?"

"She is putting on her brave-face," Harry replied, kneeling in front of the sofa. "Esther, do you want to speak with David?"

She nodded as her expression became more relaxed. Her eyes remained closed as she took the phone. She spoke to David in a low voice. Eleanor, Perrie and Sophia kept exchanging looks.

"OK," said Esther with a sigh. "I love you, too. See you soon."

"What did he say?" Harry asked, taking the phone back.

"He is going to do is best to get here ASAP," she replied, smiling to herself. "However, if he is not here on time, he said that you are to deliver the baby."

"What? Esther, I cannot deliver a baby! That is supposed to be your job."

She opened her eyes and looked at him a she started to laugh.

"Good one Harold," Louis said as he caught on. "If you need any moral support, the boys and I will be in the kitchen."

"I wish that we had caught that on tape," Esther was still laughing from the joke. "But Harry, I mean it. All you have to do is catch her when she comes."

Harry was hesitant as he replied, "What if I drop her?"

"You won't drop her. If you chicken out, there is always Perrie, Eleanor and Sophia here. Girls, I need you two... Hold on."

Harry rubbed her knee while she had the contraction.

"I have a list," Esther went on, taking deep breaths. "Can you three gather up the things and get the bedroom ready?"

The girls nodded before leaving. Harry sat with her after she told them where the list was.

"Harry," Esther whispered, "I'm scared."

"I know a cure for fear," he whispered back.

"Yeah, what's that?"

"Ask God for strength, and that He takes the fear away."

She smiled and nodded, closing her eyes.

"Would you pray?" she asked.

"Of course," he replied, nodding even though she was not looking at him. "Gracious Father in heaven, please come to Esther's aid in this moment. I ask that You give her strength in this short time of pain. Strengthen her, I pray in Jesus' name. That fear would leave her. We thank You, Lord. In Jesus' name, amen."

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