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"How have you been?" Esther asked as she closed the bedroom door. "Where have you been?"

"I've been better lately," Harry replied, sitting on the bed. "I hiding at my mum's.... Esther, I finally understand the things you would talk about with Louis. I finally understand why you prayed for Keera in that manner."

"What do you mean?" She sat on the other side of the bed.

He reached into his coat pocket, which hung on the bed board, and pulled out a pocketsize Bible.

"What Jesus did for us on the cross..." Harry went on, releasing a deep sigh. "I've never heard of such love. God loved, and loves, us so much that He gave us His only Son. He died as a sacrifice for our sins, though He did not do the wrong. I look back at my old behavior, and I am appalled at myself. I cannot believe I did those things. Esther, please forgive me for what happened in your dream."

Esther looked into Harry's eyes, full of amazement. She smiled softly, realizing immediately that God had revealed the dream to Harry in His way, to pull Harry towards Him. Harry then proceeded to tell her about his coming to Christ; about the church, that he would attend now and then.

"I am so happy for you, Harry," Esther said when he had finished.

"I'm even happier for you," he said, motioning to her stomach. "When are you due?"

"Sometime in June," she replied, "I'm hoping it will be a birthday for David. Nevertheless, all in God's timing. You are the sixth person who knows. Only me, David, my parents, and my sister know. David was going to tell his parents while I was here."

"David must be thrilled."

"He is, he did a victory dance when I told him. Ha-ha! He almost called off the wedding, which is only for his parents' satisfaction."

"Why didn't David come with you?" Harry asked.

"He has been putting in extra hours at work," Esther explained, kicking off her shoes to rest her feet on the bed. "David wants to be able to provide for me and the baby. He also wants to be there when I deliver. You are invited to the wedding, by the way."

"I am invited? But I haven't even known you long?"

"Well, David said to invite you and the others. He somehow can always tell when people will be coming around again. Speaking of the others, should I tell them that I have a bun in the oven?"

He looked at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Do that," Harry began, "and they will be all over you. That baby will be spoiled rotten before even being born."

Esther smiled "I'd like to see how they'll react," she said. "I was thinking about giving them each an empty present box at Simon's Christmas party. Then I would let them see the ultrasound photo on my phone. David and I went last week."

She yawned and leaned against the pillow.

"Baby D is finally settling down," she went on softly.

"Baby D?"

"David wants the baby to have a 'D' name. We don't know if it is a boy or girl yet, so I am calling him or her Baby D."

Harry smiled and stood, picking up his coat and Bible. "See you in the morning, Esther. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Harry."

His smiled widened as he turned and left the room quietly.

The next morning was Christmas Eve, and Louis' birthday. Esther woke up extra early because she and Niall were planning breakfast. As she came into the kitchen, Harry and Niall greeted her.

"Look who is here!" Niall said, hugging Harry with one arm. "Good old Harold."

"I know," Esther said, "I was awake when he came. We had a nice conversation last night."

"Were you eating munchies as well?" he asked, chuckling as he pointed to her mall belly.

Esther looked down, both gasping and sighing at the same time.

"Nialler," Harry said, "that is not from munching. That is Baby D."

"Harry!" Esther scolded, but she was laughing.

Niall grinned, "Baby D?"

She groaned, "Harold, you have spoiled the surprise!" She smiled. "Yes Niall, Baby D is due in June. I was going to tell you and the other at the party tomorrow."

"Is that why you and David are tying the knot?"

"No, we don't even want a wedding. David's parents want us to have one. He's and only child, I can understand."

Niall made an O with his mouth. Harry shook his head and smiled softly.

"So," Esther went on, "don't say anything, Niall. Just until tomorrow. Now, are we making breakfast or not?"

"We are?" Harry asked with a grin.

She was about to answer when she felt some wet on her leg.

"Excuse me for one minute."

Harry and Niall exchanged expressions of confusion as Esther ran out of the kitchen. Five minutes passed and she still had not returned.

"Should we go check on her?" Niall asked with concern.

"I'll go," Harry replied, nodding. "You get out the fixings."

Harry went down the hall and looked in Esther's room. It was empty, but the bathroom door was closed. He walked over to it and knocked.


"Is that you, Harry?" she asked, it sounded as though she was crying.

"Esther, are you alright?" Harry asked, full of concern.

"No..." sobs came from the other side of the door.

Then the lock turned and Harry opened the door. There was a puddle of blood on the floor, where Esther sat.

"What happened?" he asked softly as he got on the floor next to Esther.

She only shook her head and held up her hand. She was holding something small and covered in blood. Harry's eyes filled with tear as he carefully touched the miscarried infant.

"Can I do anything?" he asked, in a broken tone, after a moment.

"Take me to the ER," she replied, equally broken. "Just let me change."

"OK," he kissed the side of her head before standing.

He stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind him. Covering his face with his hands, Harry broke into deep sobs as he slid to the floor.

"Why?" he whispered, pulling his hands away to look at the red stain on his fingers. "Why?"

"Hazza," Niall said, coming up the hall. "What's wrong?"

Harry looked up at his band mate and broke into deeper sobs. Not knowing what to do, Niall knelt beside him and tried to console him. However, he could not.

"What is that on your hands?" he asked, examining Harry's hands.

"Do not misinterpret what you see," Harry said, taking a deep breath.

The door opened and Esther came out with a tear stained face. Harry stood quickly and embraced her as she broke out into a new set of sobs.

"Oh no," Niall said, he now understood.

"Help me bring her out to the car," Harry said. "Don't say anything to the others. Don't even tell them that I was here."

Niall nodded and went with them to the car. 

Praises and Miracles [Christian One Direction Fan Fiction]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن