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It was early evening when Esther and the boys began to settle down in the backyard. Louis and Harry had set up a camp-fire. Liam and Niall were playing their guitars, while Zayn sang along. Esther hummed to the music, rocking slowly from side to side.

"Esther," Niall said, "sing with Zayn. It's not often we have a girl with us while we're here."

"Really?" she asked with puzzlement. "What about Eleanor, Perrie, and Danielle... Don't any of them come here with you?"

"Yes and no," Louis replied, sitting in the lawn chair on the other side of the fire. "When we come here, its to get away from everything."

"Then why invite me?"

"Because it's not often we encounter someone like you. And, so far, you've helped us break out of our usual routine."

"He's right about that," Liam said, putting his guitar aside. "I've never felt such.... I suppose you can call it peace. I don't really experience that when the girls are with us, much less without them."

Esther sighed and nodded.

"So Esther," Harry said, clearly wanting to change the subject. "Do you have any siblings?"

"One sister," she replied dryly. "Lucy is sixteen, tall, fair skinned; she's blonde and blue eyed. And she's great at absolutely everything. She's currently working on her first album."

"She's an aspiring artist?" Zayn asked with curiousity. "What genre of music does she sing?"

"Christian/Gospel. Lucy gets invited to sing at churches and she's gotten prizes at Christian singing competitions."

"Wow!" Niall was impressed. "What about yourself?"

"I'm more of the backstage type," Esther explained, tugging her sleeves to cover her cold fingers. "I sing back-up for Lucy, sometimes. I'm better with computers and stuff like that."

Louis stood and stoked the fire. "Not your usual weather, eh?" he asked, handing her the jacket that hung on his chair.

"No," she replied, putting the jacket on. "Thank you. In Puerto Rico it usually drops to seventy-six degrees, during our so called winter season. But it's still not this cold."

"You'll adjust," said Liam with a kind smile. "Give it a few days."

Esther smiled and rubbed her arms to warm them.

"Tomorrow we can go in the pool again," Harry said, stretching out where he sat on the ground.

"And there is also that party," Zayn added, "but I don't think I want to go."

"Why not?" Harry asked, appaulled.

"For one: you tend to lose control of your senses. Two, we have a lady guest and I don't think Esther will be comfortable in a scenerio like that."

Esther miled softly and looked at the ground.

"I can stay here," she said with a shrug. "Whichever one of you guys want to go, don't worry about me. I've got a good plenty that can keep me occupied. Don't let me be an obstacle in your way."

"I'll stay and keep Esther company," Niall said, rasing his hand. "I don't feel up to going there either."

"You know Hazza," Liam said, "you shouldn't be so eager to party. I think I want to sit this one out as well."

Harry glared at his three band-mates, in utter shock. After a moment he looked at Esther. She met his gaze. And like that afternoon, Harry looked away.

"I think I should hit the hay," Esther said slowly. "Night everyone."

She gave Louis his jacket back, and after exchanging a few more goodnights, she went inside. She went to the room they let her have, and closed the door behind her. After she got into her PJs, she knelt down besside the bed.

"Lord," she prayed softly. "You've made it plausible for me to get here, You led me here, and I don't know what I'm doing here. Harry doesn't seem to want me here, yet, I've done nothing to give him reason to dislike me. God, show that I'm doing Your will. Show me that this is not in vain. Give me strength to go on; give me grace and endurance. Help me to be the best that I can be. Help me to be an example for You. And, Lord, if I've offended You, please forgive me. In Your son's name I pray, amen."

Esther sighed and opened her eyes, feeling quite relieved. She dabbed her eyes dry and got into bed.

When Esther woke the next morning, she felt a surge of joyeous energy. She knew this was the strength and grace she had prayed for, so she immediately thank God for it.

"I think I'll make the boys breakfast," she said to herself when she was done.

The clock on the wall said eight-fifteen; Esther smiled and quickly got dressed. Niall was just coming out of his room when she entered he hallway.

"Morning," she said in a soft voice.

"Good morning," he smiled, "what are doing up so early?"

"I was going to make you guys breakfast, but I'm not quite sure what you all like."

"Then perhaps I can be of assistants," Niall said with a grin. "The lads probably won't wake up until after nine. That should be plenty of time to go to the store for some groceries."

Esther nodded "Let's go then," she said.

She went to get her wallet and followed Niall out to the car.

"Niall," Esther said later as they shopped. "Did I offend Harry yesterday?"

"What makes you think that?" he asked, adding two dozens of eggs to the cart.

"He doesn't seem to like that I'm around," she replied, picking up a package of turkey-bacon. "Everything was fine until I asked to pray before eating pizza."

"Esther, Harry hasn't been himself. I'm sure Louis' already mentioned it. He's just angry about so many things and he takes it out on everyone around him. The parties, the drinking, the girls.... It's just his way to forgetting everything."

"He doesn't seem to like me."

"On the contrary, he likes you a good deal." Niall picked up some butter and cheese.

"How do you know?" Esther asked, choosing a some range juice.

"Simple," Niall replied with a smile. "Louis told him you could be compared to Taylor Swift. Harry, of course, does NOT fancy Taylor, nor does he find her attractive anymore. So when you entered the van, a girl who could be mistaken for an angel, he was taken by surprise. Wait and see, he'll come around."

She smiled and nodded. "OK, so we've got a bunch of random breakfast foods. Eggs, turkey-bacon, OJ, cheese and butter... Should we get some fixings for French toast? Home-fries? Pancakes?"

"You must enjoy cooking food as much as I enjoy eating it!"

Esther laughed "I think you might be right. And I think you might enjoy tasting my cooking."

"I just might."

The two laughed and went to get the other breakfast ingredients. While they stood on the line to check out, Esther sighed with contentment. She made a special prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord for answering her prayers.

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