Epilogue: Three Years Later

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"And what word is that, Darcy?" Esther asked, pointing to the book she held.

"C-A-T, cat," Darcy replied in her little voice.

"Very good! You're learning so fast."

Darcy smiled her cheeky smile. Esther kissed her daughter's forehead. At that moment, David walked into the door, smiling.

"My ladies," he said as he bent down to catch Darcy when she ran to him. "How's Daddy's best girl?"

Darcy giggled as he tickled her.

"Guess what," David went on, kissing Esther briefly. "Guess who is coming to visit you."

"Uncle Harry!" Darcy exclaimed when she saw Harry enter the door.

She wiggled to get down and ran to hug him. Harry chuckled and gave her a tight squeeze.

"How's my special girl?" he asked, kissing her cheek.

"I missed you," she said, hugging his neck.

"I missed you, too, my cute little button. I brought you something."

"What is it?"

Esther smiled and leaned into David's side. Harry smiled at her as he pulled something from his jacket pocket. Darcy gasped as the little kitten was placed into her hands.

"Thank you," she said softly, caressing the soft fur. "What's its name?"

"Well," Harry replied, putting Darcy on the floor. "Since the kitten is a girl, and you are a girl, I think it should be a girl name. What do you think?"

"Yeah, can we call her Angel?"

"She's your kitty; you can call her whatever you want."

Darcy smiled and hugged the kitten. Harry chuckled as he stood up.

"How are you, Esther?" he asked, hugging her briefly. "It has been ages since my last visit."

"Yeah," Esther replied, "don't let that happen again, ha-ha!"

"You're staying through the summer, right?" David asked, placing his arms around Esther's middle.

"Yeah," Harry replied, nodding his head. "God is good, you know. I'm glad that He helped me make time to come down for a visit."

They all exchanged a smile as they watched Darcy play with her new kitten.

With the transition to Christian music, One Direction had been in full dedication to working for Christ. They were writing music for a completely different audience. They thought that they had lost their audience, however, they didn't and they gained an even bigger audience. Because of the changes in their lives, One Direction became the most popular Christian boy-band, internationally. They received hate as well, but they now had a reason to not care. Esther had once told them that true followers of Christ would be persecuted for His name's sake. One Direction's new music hit the top of every playlist worldwide. Their most popular song, Praises and Miracles, was based on Darcy's birth. The song was never explained, and no one ever asked what inspired such a wonderful song.

Esther's sister, Lucy, went on to be one of the top youngest, female Christian singer. She collaborated with One Direction and co-wrote Praises and Miracles with them. Esther and David had six children, including Darcy. Harry was there to see each birth.

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