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There was an aroma of delicious foods going all through the house. The wonderful smells filled Harry's nose as he opened his eyes.

"Hazza," Zayn whispered, "Are you smelling that?"

"Yes," he replied, his mouth was watering. "What is that?"

"Smells like breakfast."

The two sat up in the bed and looked at each other with wide eyes. They bounced out of the bed and ran out of the room. Louis and Liam were also just coming out into the hallway. They raced to the kitchen and found the counters full of food.

"What's all this?" Liam asked, licking his lips.

"Breakfast," Niall replied, coming in the kitchen door from the backyard. "Now make yourselves useful and help brig it outside."

The boys began to grab plates of eggs, pancakes, toast and all kinds of delicious foods. As they came out to the yard, they saw Esther putting place settings on the picnic table. She looked up and smiled at the times as they placed the plates on the table.

"I hope you guys are hungry," Esther said, "There's enough food here to feed an army."

"Did you make all this?" Harry asked softly.

"No thanks to Niall," she replied, patting Niall's shoulder. "He kept test-tasting everything!"

"Oy!" Niall said with a chuckle. "It was hard not to! Everything smelled amazing!"

Esther smiled "Really? I guess I'm just used to it."

"Esther," Louis said, sitting in a chair. "Would you pray, before we start?"


Everyone sat at the table, bowed their heads and closed their eyes.

"Thank You Jesus for this wonderful day. I ask that You guide us and protect us. Thank You for this food You've provided, bless it to our bodies. In Your wondrous name we pray, amen."

"Amen," Louis said, looking up. "I must say that the day seemed to go better yesterday, after that prayer in the morning."

Esther smiled softly. "Imagine what the day would've been like if we hadn't prayed," she said. "Back home, if I didn't pray, the day would go horribly."

Harry was quietly listening, serving himself a little bit of everything.

"So," Liam said, "Esther, do you have a special lad back home?"

"No," she replied, eating some toast. "Mr. Right hasn't shown himself yet."

"What about this David fellow?" Louis asked, taking a bite of eggs.

"He's just a friend-slash-coworker, but I can be myself around him. I've only ever seen him at work; he came to my place to bring me to work a few times."

Niall was about to say something, but then his phone rang.

"Hello?" he said, answering it. "Yes, they're all here.... Really, OK, I'll talk to them and get back to you. Bye."

"Who was that?" Harry asked, his mouth was full of pancakes.

"Never mind who it was," Niall replied. "Does anyone have any objectives to another trip to Ghana?"

The boys began asking questions, their voices overlapping each other. Esther sat there quietly while they had their discussion. A moment later the boys sudden all looked at her.

"Would you like to join us?" Liam asked excitement in his eyes.

Esther was taken by surprise. "You want me to come?" she asked slowly.

The band, including Harry, nodded eagerly.

"I'd be in the way," she said.

"No," Zayn said, "Harry's cat Dusty would be in the way. No offense Hazza."

Harry waved his hand. "None taken," he said.

"I don't want to be a burden," Esther went on; however she felt the leadership of the Spirit to go.

"None of that now," Louis said, shaking his head. "You're coming, end of discussion."

"As long as you are all certain..."

"You're coming."

"Would not have it any other way."

Esther smiled softly. "Fine, I'll come."

The boys cheered and went back to eating. Niall called the person back to let them know that the band had a plus-one.

"We're not the only ones going to Ghana," he explained a moment later. "There will be other artists, missionaries from all over."

Harry groaned "I hope she's not going," he said, resting his elbows on the table, putting his hands in his curly brown hair.

Esther looked at him from the corner of her eye. She somehow knew that he was referring to Taylor Swift. But she could also see that he still cared about her.

"Taylor's in Brazil," Niall said, pretending to clear his throat. "In any case, she wouldn't go if she knew you were.

"Esther," Harry looked at her. "Would you do me a favor?"

"What kind of a favor?" she asked hesitantly.

"When we get to Ghana," he began, "would you, like....walk next to me?"

Esther looked at him, puzzled.

"He means in case Taylor does go," Louis said, "you pretend to be Harry's current interest."

"Oh," Esther said, "gotcha. I can do that, on one condition. Don't take it too far. I don't want to be given a title or a reputation."

"OK," Harry nodded. "I can keep it at a friendly hug. Tell me what you want me to do."

"You can put your arm around my shoulders, maybe kiss my cheek. That's it."

"Yes." He smiled and offered his hand. "Shake on it."

She shook his hand.

"When do we leave?" Zayn asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee from the pot.

"If we hurry," Niall replied, looking at his watch. "We can catch the twelve o'clock flight."

"Today?" Liam and Louis shot out.

Niall nodded as if nothing was wrong. The four boys rose and raced into the house, leaving Esther and Niall at the table.

"More for us," Esther joked, drinking more orange juice.

Niall chuckled and began to pile more food on his plate. Esther smiled and did the same, but she didn't put too much because the other might come back.

"Don't want this going to waste," Liam said, returning to his seat. "Esther, this is absolutely delicious. Thank you for cooking."

"You're welcome," she smiled. "I'm glad you like it."

"It's almost better than Nando's," Niall added, "almost."

"Coming from you," Esther said, "all of you, my only satisfactions are the smiles of appreciation."

"Awww!" the boys stood and came to give her a squeeze.

Esther laughed, hugging the both of them.

"God," she prayed softly. "Protect these boys."

Praises and Miracles [Christian One Direction Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now