Blown fusses : 6

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"Why did you tell her I was sick?!" Grayson says standing up "Because you wanted to spend some time with her! Without me right?!" Ethan stands up "Grayson come on let's talk outside." Grayson pushes past Ethan and walks out of the cafe.

I jog to catch up to them. When they get outside they both start yelling at each other. I hide behind the nearest plant and watch as they circle each other.

"I don't get it E!"

"Get what?"

"Why you have to have ever girl! It's the same every time! We move you, find some girl, and somehow it always ends the same way! You breaking her heart!"

No not Ethan he wouldn't! Would he?

"Oh cut the crap, Grayson! We both know why we always move! You just lie to make up excuses!"

"Is that what they are! All the girls you've dated were just more excuses to move!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I run out from behind my plant and get into my car. I drive home. My grandma was in her chair with a bottle in hand. I take it from her "This stuff'll kill you." I say as I drink the rest of the bottle.

Then I move into the kitchen and grab some more bottles. I walk into my room where I drink all of them and pass out.

Ethan's POV

"See what you did?!" Grayson yells at me "We both did that. Come on let's go find her." I say pulling out my phone. "You know you should have just let me come." I turn to him "Oh shut up!"

I call her but she doesn't answer. I call three more times. Still no answer. "Do you know where she could be?" Grayson asks I shake my head. Then I hear my name being called.

I look around and see Erin walking over to us. "My friend is hosting a party this Friday want to come?" She asks I look at Gray who's eyes light up. "Sorry, but we have plans."

"No we don't-" I elbow Grayson in the ribs. "Oh yeah, we do sorry." She turns to me and frowns "Well if you change your mind give me a call." I was going to tell her I didn't have her number but then realized I didn't want it. "Oh, you don't have my number!" She says I sigh to myself "Here I'll give it to you." I give her my phone. "Text me any time." She says smirking turns and walks away.

"Come on Gray let's go find Tora."


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