The end of nothing special: 12

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 The music cuts off in the middle of the song. Everyone looks around and at the top of the staircase is Erin shining in a bright spotlight. She was wearing a beautiful dress and I couldn't imagine the cost. She grabs a mic from one of her new friend's hands. She turns it on then begins to speak.

"This school year started off normal. Same friends. Same school. Same boarding classes. That was until I met him. When I first saw him I was like 'damn that has to be the hottest guy I've ever seen' I got to know him this past week and I think it's safe to say we fell for each other. So here it is. Ethan Dolan," A huge pop roars little pieces of gold glitter fall from nowhere and a banner falls from the staircase.

 Ethan Dolan," A huge pop roars little pieces of gold glitter fall from nowhere and a banner falls from the staircase

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"will you go to prom with me?" Ethan and I exchange a look of shock. Erin walks down the stairs and over to Ethan she stops in front of him hands him the mic then smiles.

"Well, this past week went by fast. I can't believe how amazing that week was. Moving here was one of the best things to ever happen to me. I never thought that I could find someone who understood me so well. She's excepted my past mistakes and I her's. I couldn't imagine life without her now and I can't wait to see what's in store for us." Ethan turns to me "Cause I know we can do anything if we do it together." Ethan wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a deep kiss. Every time he kissed me it was like the whole world just stopped and it was only the two of us left.

We break apart and the whole room explodes with clapping as more glitter falls. Erin screams then grabs the mic "You idiots you were supposed to set that off if he said yes!" she yells at her new friends sending everyone in the house laughing I grab the mic from her hand. "I don't know if you noticed but Ethan and I have been holding hands for the past few days plus we were slow dancing together." People were yelling from all around the room.

"You tell her girl!"

"Tora has balls!"

I grab Ethan's hand "Grayson Dolan please report to the front door your ride leaves in five minutes." The crowd boos as we leave but not in a bad way they all wanted us to stay. Once we see Grayson at the door we leave and don't look back. 


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