Impossible :17

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Ethan helps me unpack then gets picked up by Grayson and leaves. I sit in my room and work on some homework my first period teacher had given me last time I went to class. My parents didn't disturb me while I was working until it was dinner time. I went down and ate with them but didn't say anything unless they asked. Before I left my mother called me back.

"Who is that boy that was in the hospital room with you and helped you unpack?" I sigh "That's Ethan and before you ask yes he's my boyfriend." My father stands up from the table. "I don't want you spending all your time with him you still need-" I shake my head "I know to do my school work. Can I go now?" My mother nods her head.

The next day at school people had seemed normal for the most part other then they all smiled at me as I passed and waved. I wasn't quite sure why until I heard it. "Look out Look out!!" I heard Grayson yelling down the hall he was pushing a hospital stretcher. Some guy named Brad I think was laying on top of it with a blanket covering his lower half. He was yelling "It's coming! It's coming!" Grayson stops pushing in the middle of the hallway right in front of me.

"We've run out of time you'll have to do it here." Grayson says grabbing Brad's hand "Now push!" They both start yelling then stop. Everyone screams and cheers as Ethan walks out of the bathroom. I start balling my eyes out laughing when I see him in a diaper with a sign reading 'I was born to go to prom with you' he walks over to me. "Will you go to prom with me?" I smile at him "Well if I have to." I joke he leans down and kisses me. "I get that it's a year away but like best be safe than sorry ya know?" I smile at him "Yeah don't want anyone asking you to prom." We both laugh

From down the hallway, I could see Erin making her way towards us. "You should get changed," I say pushing him towards the bathroom. He laughs "Yeah don't need Erin staring at me more then she already does." I laugh as he walks into the bathroom. I walk over to Grayson and Brad "Nice job you guys should both be in the next play." We all laugh as I give them high fives. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face until Erin walked over to me.

Both of her friends at her side. "Congrats." Is all she said as she walked by. 


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