Disaster :22

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I wake up in the middle of the night. Nothing not normal. Dreaming about her again. Every night for three nights I've dreamt of the last time I saw her and every night I wake up sweating. I check the time and see it's two am.

"Guess I'm up now." I groan getting out of bed. I walk into Gray's room to see if he's awake. His breath didn't sound right so I wake him up. "Gray yo you okay?" he blinks awake and starts wheezing. I sit him up and rub his back gently. "That's it Gray I gotta take you to the hospital." He nods his head as I help him up.

I walk him into the passenger seat of my car then drive. Once we get there the doctors take him from me but this time I insist I be there with him. I wasn't going to leave my baby brother alone while they test him.

After several long hours of waiting the doctors come back with the results. "Well, Grayson has a lung infection if it was treated earlier it could have been easily fixed. Unfortunately, we were too late. I'm sorry but he doesn't have much time."

And just like that my world came crashing down. Again. First the love of my life now Grayson. I thought over time I could heal from her. Never move on but heal. Losing Grayson though. That was a wound I could never heal from. I need Grayson! This wasn't fair.

I walk over to Grayson and cry into his shoulder he pats my back slowly. I could hear his breath slowing. "Don't do anything stupid take care of yourself, bro, I love you." I look into his eyes. They fade and his head falls. "Grayson!" I yell

Tears pour out of my eyes. "No Grayson come back to me please bro I can't do this without you!"

 "No Grayson come back to me please bro I can't do this without you!"

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