Party hard :11

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Ethan and Grayson get into my car after school and I drive them back to my house. Before we got there I stopped at Burger King to pick up some dinner for us. The boys ate their food before we got to there. I eat my dinner while they argue which movie to watch. When I walk into the living room they still hadn't picked.

"Guess I'll pick a movie then." they both groan when they see my movie choice. Sure I love action movies but you can't go wrong with a good musical. I sing along with every song. I was happy to see both of them seemed to like Hair spray as it comes to a close. When the movie finishes both of them clap. "Glad you two liked my favorite movie." Ethan stands up "Well then shall we go before Amber gets mad." I giggle at Ethan's refrence to the movie "Well let's get going." I grab my purse and keys then we leave.

We get to the party at tenish. I grab Ethan's hand as we walk into Erin's house. Grayson walks in before us. Ethan turns to me "Neither of us are drinking tonight yes?" I nod my head "Or smoking." Ethan nods his head then pulls me into a tight hug. "We've got this." He says kissing my head.

We walk into the party hand in hand. The house was already fillied with drunk teenagers. It was very hot "I could use a drink want some juice or something?" Ethan nods his head "Good idea."

I lead Ethan into the kitchen and get us both a cup of apple juice. He smiles at me then sqeezes my hand. We walk back out into the living room. Erin was lucky to live in a big house like this since a normal house wouldn't fit half of these people. I hear some one sqeal Ethan and I turn around to see Erin rushing up to Ethan. She pulls him into a hug causing our hands to let go. He doesn't hug back but looks at me for help.

She let go and sees Ethan's cup. "Oh were you looking for the vodka?" Shes asks snapping her fingers for one of her followers to pass the bottle Ethan moves his cup "No thanks" she shakes her head "Come on Ethan this is a party." I grab Ethan's hand as I pop a piece of gum into my mouth. He looks at me concerned. I shake my head.

Erin takes a step forward. "If you need you can crash here tonight." I could feel the blood rush into my cheeks. "Come on Ethan let's dance." I say pulling him into the living room. Erin grabs hold of Ethan's other hand spilling apple juice onto herself. She lets go.

"I'll be back." She says rushing off into the other direction. "Well that was interesting." Ethan says pulling me into a hug. Ethan lets go then leads me on to the dance floor. The music slows down Ethan and I turn to each other I wrap my arms around his neck he puts his arms around my waist. I lean my head against his chest as we sway to the music.

This night was only begginning yet it was perfect.

This night was only begginning yet it was perfect

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