Oops :13

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The next day everyone looked at us funny as we walked down the hallway. Some even commented on how much of a bitch I am. The tension was growing between us at one point we even let go of each other's hand. Ethan looked really uneasy after a while he stopped walking with me. The bell rang for the first period. I run to my locker to grab my water bottle then walk outside.

I sit down in the pit and start crying. I send Ethan I quick text.

Tora: I'm sorry

Ethan: Can we not talk right now? Also thanks for not showing up to class now I won't be made fun of.

The tears come faster now. I grab my bottle but there wasn't water in it. I drank most of the bottle thinking about what went wrong. This weekend was so much fun what happened?

I sat crying drinking and feeling bad for myself. Ethan called my phone at least twice but I won't pick up until I couldn't take it I had to call him myself. He picks up right away.

"Where are you"- Ethan

"I'm so sorry please don't be mad!"-Tora

"I'm not mad just tell me where you are"- Ethan

"I'm in the pit."-Tora

"I'll be there in a minute."-Ethan

He hangs up not too long later I hear footsteps. Ethan comes around the corner tears in his eyes when he saw my state. He looks away from me. "I can't do this anymore." My breath hitches in my throat.

My heart stops. My stomach falls. My arms and legs go numb. My mouth goes dry. My eyes water. I broke.

"Ethan please we can get through this!" I say trying to stand up "No we can't! You don't know what these people will do! They won't stop until we aren't together so now I'm cutting us off."

I get up the tears stop falling from my eyes. I walk past him then run to my car and drive as fast as I could home. I storm into my house grab some bottles from the fridge and start my pity party.

I fall onto the floor and drink until I can no longer feel the pain. Until I can't remember my own name. Until I pass out onto the kitchen floor with bottles spilling around me. In the back of my mind, I hear his voice. 'I thought we said you wouldn't drink! You're stronger than this!'

"No I'm weak, I can't do this without you." 


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