They know?

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Y/n's POV~

"I'm not kidding you really have something on your face." Taehyung says as you walk down the hallway of Jimin's apartment complex.

"Tae, there is nothing on my face." You say glaring at him.

He holds back a grin, "yes you do."

He insists.

But, this little turd has been playing jokes all week with you.

And you were starting to get annoyed.

While he smiles behind you, you continue on to the end of the hall, where Jimin's home is.

Taehyung stood outside of Jimin's door and you could hear faint moans coming from the apartment.

You look up at Tae with a blush, he's smirking with his eyes thinned.

"Hey!" You look back and it's the boys, all except Yoongi and Kookie.

You and Tae put your fingers to your lips, shushing them.

They look at you confused, but you motion them over.

They listen silently, the moans and audible thumping got louder.

J-hope's jaw drops, Jin clings onto Namjoon who was cringing, you slid down onto the floor, back against the wall. Tae, couldn't control his laughter.

But, you made sure to keep him quiet.

Reason for you guys to be at Jimin's place, Jungkook.

Is he here? He could either be the one in the room with Jimin or not here yet.

You went with the not here yet.

"Hyung?" Jungkook's voice comes from the other end of the hall.

You look up, seeing the very handsome man.

Quickly you jump to your feet, he walks towards you and wraps his arms around.

In a tight hug, strong too.

"Oh my God you've gotten so freaking strong." You say with a smile.

"And have you gotten shorter?" He jokes teasingly, you smile and hit him in the shoulder.

Taehyung comes up behind you two, "shh." He says poking you in the side slightly.

You look back at him, slightly nodding.

You bring Jungkook to the door, where the others waited.


Jungkook was confused, but then heard it.

He blushed embarrassed and took a step back.

Jin covers Jungkook's ears and we all snicker as you could hear a climax.

If y'know what I mean.

Slightly Tae pulls you close, your back now against his stomach, resting his chin on your fluffy hair.

His arms wrapped around your waist.


The boys look at you, unfazed.

"Tae..." You mutter biting the inside of your cheek.

"Yes?" He whispers in your ear.

"Did you tell them?" You ask.

He shakes his head.

"Then why aren't they flipping out?"

"Should they?"

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