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While you're pregnant:

-rubbing you belly
-giving you everything you need and want
-"kev can you buy me chicken nuggets??"
-"of course baby I gotcu"
-laughing 24/7
-picking out names
-"I love you"

How everyone feels about it:

-everyone very supportive, some not but you guys don't care
-his nana happy
-Shari happy to be a tete
-Kevin happy to become a dad
-your parents shocked, but excited
-Daniel And Devin fight over who being the best uncle
-Digas very happy, and calls him/her their own niece or nephew

After his/her is born:

-spoils him/her
-always spending time with you, and them
-matching outfits
-lots of kisses
-a lot of pictures
-singing to them
-over protective
"wha da heckkkk"
-them saying dada first

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