Chapter 3

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Betty POV
My eyes were closed- but I could feel the glare of everyone looking at us in the hallway.

When we finally stopped kissing, I opened my eyes. I was right, everyone was staring at us- and so was Archie. He looked as if he was coming over to talk to me, but he started walking away after that.

"See you around Cooper." Jughead said winking at me and walking away.

I started walking to home room- and I went from being invisible, to everyone noticing me. I went along the day normally, until I got to lunch. I didn't notice, but me and Jughead had the same lunch period. He signaled to me and I went to sit with him.

"Ok so if we are gonna do this, we need to make a rule list." I said.

"What?" Jughead asked.

"A rule list!" I said.

He chuckled, "Betty Cooper playing by the rules as always."I laughed.

We composed a rule list over the lunch period and this was it;
1.Handholding in the halls.
2. Flirting when Archie is around.
3. No kissing outside of school.
4. Party's together.
5. No kissing, touching anyone else while we are dating.
6. No family involved.
7. At least 1 date per week.
8. Can't become emotionally attached.
9. If still dating by the time it rolls around/HOCO.

Jughead wrote the last rule down.

"I don't think that's necessary." I said.
"Homecoming's 3 months away. I don't think we will be doing this till then." I said.

"Just in case." Jughead said smirking.

"Oh- you know Veronica, right?" Jughead asked. I rolled my eyes, "The pretty, popular rich bitch who gets whatever she wants whenever she wants it?"

"That's the one!" Jughead said grinning.
"She's throwing a party tonight, and your coming with me." Jughead said.

"Do I have to?" I pleaded.

"It's in the list, and, we can kill two birds with one stone, it can count as our date." Jughead said. "Cmon! I bet you've never been to a real party before." Jughead said.

"Fine. But under one condition." I said.

"And what shall that be?" Jughead said cocking an eyebrow.

"After, we go to Pops." I said smiling.

"Fine. I love that place anyways. It's like my second home." Jughead said. Our lunch period was over- and it was a Friday. After school I went home and went straight to my room to get ready- in the middle of me getting ready, my mom walks in.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Getting ready for a party." I said putting on my mascara.

"You're grounded, remember?" My mom said.

"Mom really!" I said putting down the brush.
"This is my first party EVER! Please please please let me go!" I begged.

"Fine. But, be home before midnight." She said walking out of the room. I had finished getting ready and was waiting for Jughead to pick me up.

*honk honk*

I heard it outside my window- I looked down and saw a car. I smiled. I ran down the stairs when my mom stopped me at the bottom.
"Oh Elizabeth! Who is this young man taking you to the party? I would like to meet him!" She said.

"Uh-sure thing mom- oh wait! Crap, I left my jacket in my room, can you please grab it for me?" I asked.

"Sure thing." My mom said walking up the stairs. I ran out the house and jumped into Jughead's car.

"Floor it! My mom wants to meet you!" I almost yelled.

He slammed on the gas and started driving.
We hadn't talked for about 5 min, when we came to a red light. Jughead was staring at me.
"What?" I said looking at him.

He chuckled, "You dress up nice for a girl like yourself." He said sitting back in his seat.

"A girl like myself? You'll see what 'a girl like myself' can do." I said. He laughed.

We finally arrived at Veronica's party and it was 8:30 PM. Jughead was nodding to a bunch of people and fist bumping people. As I walked slowly behind him. Archie was at the party, and he saw me and Jughead holding hands.

"Betty!" He yelled across the room- I could tell he was drunk-he was also holding 2 cups in his hand.

"Remember-flirt a lot." I whispered to Jughead as Archie approached us.

"What's up Arch?" I said hugging him. "Nothing much- just partying hard!" He said.
Jughead then put his hand around my waist- I giggled and looked up at him. I could tell this was irritating Archie.

"Hey- I brought you guys drinks!" He said handing me a cup.

I took a gulp, it was beer, and I wasn't planning on getting drunk tonight, so I just took a few sips here and there.

"Here Jughead!" Archie said trying to hand Jughead a cup.

"I'm ok- thanks." Jughead replied.

"It's a party! Have some!" Archie insisted handing Jughead the cup again.

"Thanks- but I don't drink." Jughead denied again.

"Cmon Jughead! You don't drink? What a lie! Have some!" I said looking at him. He shook his head.

"Really man? You can't take a sip of beer?And you call yourself tough." Archie said. I didn't even realize it- but I had almost finished my whole cup. I was now tipsy- and being tipsy- I didn't even realize that Archie was insulting Jughead. I had seen that Jughead snapped.

"Ya well at least I'm not some stupid jock who doesn't know his left from his right!" Jughead almost screamed.

The whole room got quiet. "What did you say to me?" Archie said stepping closer to Jughead.

"I said- " Jughead stepped closer to Archie. "-your a dumb ass."

Archie laid the first punch. Oohs could be heard from all around the room, people started to crowd in. Jughead immediately punched Archie back, and the force knocked him to the ground. The drink spilled everywhere and they were full on fighting now.

"Jughead! Archie!" I yelled. "Stop!" I screamed.

But they didn't listen, Jughead was on top of Archie, and he was punching him hard, then Archie went on top of Jughead and didn't stop punching him. Then- Jughead got a hold on Archie and had him in a position that could've broke his arm. The fight finally ended when Reggie, a football player, and Fangs, a serpent, which is a gang, pulled them apart. Jughead got loose and he stormed out the apartment, I followed him.


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