Chapter 5

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Jughead POV
"You told me you needed my car to go to the drive in to watch a movie marathon! And you're coming home from it with knocked up face and a shirt covered in beer?!" My dad screamed.

I still hadn't talked.

"Where did you really go?" He asked.

I didn't say anything.

"Answer me boy! Where did you really go?!" He yelled.

"A-a party." I said quietly.

"I-can't-hear-you! Where did you go?!" My dad screamed. "A-a party." I said a little louder this time. I wasn't looking straight at him.

"So, you have the audacity- to go to a party- get in a fight- and drink beer, and not tell me about it?!" He yelled pushing me.

"I-I didn't drink..." I said. "Excuse me?" He asked.

"I didn't drink." I said looking at him now.

"Really Jughead. You have the nerve to get drunk at a party and lie to me about it!" He said pushing me harder this time, almost knocking me off my feet. Now I wasn't usually a violent guy, but by now you should know, I have a very short temper.

"I'm not drunk!" I yelled getting in my dads face. "Why the hell-would I get drunk if drinking is only going to make me end up like you!?" I yelled.

My dad got angry. And a mix of beer and anger wasn't a good combination...especially if it was night- and no one was awake.

He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt,
"Who the hell taught you to speak to your father like that!" He screamed.

"I'm-I'm sorry- please-" I pleaded. He threw me against the floor and started kicking me.

"THIS'LL TEACH YOU TO NEVER TALK TO YOUR DAD LIKE THAT AGAIN, YOU HEAR ME?!" He yelled kicking me harder each time.

"Yes-I'm sorry!" I yelled from the floor.

"SORRY DOESNT CUT IT!" He yelled getting down and punching me across the face multiple times.

I tried to stop him- I tried to fight back- but I couldn't- I knew better than to fight back against my dad when he was drunk.

He kicked me hard in the stomach multiple times.

"Please..." I said weakly.

"NEXT TIME, DONT GO TO A PARTY AND DRINK IF YOU DONT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN! He yelled and finally stopped kicking me.

"I'm leaving, and when I come back- your ass BETTER be out of here." He said to my barely conscious body.

I was coughing and spitting up blood as one thing went through my mind,

                     "It's just a shirt, right?"

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