New Year's Resolutions

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Teddy: find a place near Uncle Harry's, because he spoils him

Victoire: binge watch all the Disney movies in one night ( "That's impossible, Vic." "Go die in a hole, Scorpius." )

Dominique: disarm Aunt Hermione in the family duels

Louis: eat an entire pizza in 3 minutes ( "Does the Weasley-Delacour family have any realistic resolutions?" "SHUT UP, SCORPIUS, I'M GONNA DO IT!" )

Molly: get better grades

Lucy: learn how to speak Punjabi with Molly and mum to hide stuff from her dad

Fred: drink nine bottles of firewhisky and not pass out ( "Fred, you're not even of age." "WATCH ME." )

Roxanne: go viral on YouTube with a video of her "miraculously moving things with her mind" ( "Against the law, Roxy." )

Rose: get better grades, become a prefect, learn how to speak Gobbledook, defeat at least two of Hogwarts' Quidditch records, write an award-winning book, skip a few grades, beat Uncle Harry out of his Head Auror placement, singlehandedly join the wizarding and Muggle cultures together... ( "Dammit, Rose..." "I'm gonna do it, Scorpius. Watch your mouth, you're gonna wanna stay on my good side." )

Hugo: make the Quidditch team

James: get good enough grades to get into Auror training ( maybe even find out what his sexuality is ffs )

Albus: spend more time with his boyfriend ( "That's sweet, Al." "Also, learn how to make you less grumpy all the time." "I'M NOT GRUMPY!" "Of course, Al." )

Lily: jump while simultaneously doing a handstand on a broomstick. while it's in the air.

Scorpius: find a new boyfriend (this one's family is exhausting)

okay, well not that.

he really likes his.

crazy, unnecessarily large family and all.


Credit: incorrect-scorbus-quotes on tumblr

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