Haunted House with The Next Gen

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Teddy: Attempting to be fearless and comfort the younger ones while he's scared shitless himself

Victoire: Endless. Screaming. ("Victoire, right in my ear?!" "AHH - sorry, Scorpius - HHH!")

Dominique: Most likely hitting her sister and doing secretive defensive poses whenever a jump scare happens

Louis: *this is Teddy's arm*

Molly: Just stay five feet away, she hits. ("What the hell, Molly!" "Oh, sorry, Scorpius! I thought you were the clown!" "You hit me in the — ")

Lucy: Whining about everything and talking over the monsters in an attempt to take the scariness away

Fred: Admiring the costumes and annoying the actors ("Don't touch the dead woman, little boy!")

Roxanne: (Similarly to her brother,) Trying to scare the monsters before they scare her

Rose: Always alert but still shouting and jumping whenever something pops up (and feeling infinitely disappointed in herself when it happens)

*also, attached to an irritated Scorpius

Hugo: Stating small facts about every monster and character that comes out

James: Directly next to Teddy, but acting really tough

Albus: Hand in hand with Scorpius, but constantly using him as a human shield ("You were going to throw me to the 'dooms of hell'?!" "Sorry! But it was just one time!" "What about the cemetery?!" "ZOMBIES, SCORPIUS. ZOMBIES.")

Lily: Either on James' back, or Albus' other arm, but bravely putting herself in front of her brothers whenever they seem to be in danger

Scorpius: Just genuinely wondering why he thought it'd be a good idea to go with his boyfriend's family to a haunted house


Credit: incorrect-scorbus-quotes on tumblr

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