Rose Headcanon

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Rose is the kinda girl who'll ace every single test she sits. Who'll study continuously over the holidays. Who understands the pressure for her to be the "the brightest witch of her age" and works as hard as she needs to in order to live up to it.

Unfortunately, she's not as naturally smart as everyone thinks. In fact, and she will kill you if you tell anyone this, she has dyslexia (the only people who know about it are her immediate family, Al, and Scorpius). But don't think that'll hold her back, it just means she has to work really, really hard. And boy she does.

What people often don't understand, is that she is so much more than books, tests, and intellect. This girl is the best chaser Hogwarts have seen since Ginny Weasley. And she is determined.
Rose lives for competition. For the exhilaration of a win. Whether it's who can eat the most sausages in three minutes (She won on her sixteenth sausage) or who can fly to Hagrids hut from the furthest quidditch goals (this one is still up for debate, James sats he won, Rose says she won, and Hagrid, who's kept it to himself, swore he saw Albus circle around the hut in the time he had to spare).

Of all the excpectations, Rose's own are the highest. Because if you had to describe Rose in one word it would be 'determined', determined to succeed, to those expectation, but most of all, determined to be happy.


Credit: hpxnextgenx on tumblr

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