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Hyunjin's POV

I stare at my alarm clock as it goes off, preparing myself for the long day head of me. "Ugh, time to deal with mister "perfect" I thought to myself. I slowly made my way to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.

I then headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast and was greeted by my older brother, Woojin. "Hey, what's for breakfast?" I asked him.

"Toast and eggs," he replied. "I don't wanna go to work and see my annoying, narcissistic boss" I whined.

Woojin just sighed, "I mean you should be grateful since he hired you" Woojin replied. I finished my breakfast and told Woojin that I had to leave for work. I made my way over to my car, mumbling "I want this to be a long drive".

I really didn't wanna work today, rather, I just wanted to hang out at home with Woojin and sleep.
I ended up getting to the company much faster than I thought I would, and couldn't help but sulk. I got out of my car and rushed inside the building as fast as I could.

Changbin hated me for a number of reasons already, I didn't need to give him another. I frantically ran for the elevator and with luck, caught it in time. I gave a silent thank you to nothing. Taking the stairs to the 49th floor would've  been deadly, and for once I felt like my luck was changing for the better.

I finally regained my composure and slowly looked up, only to be faced with my boss, CEO Seo Changbin. "Looks like my luck really hasn't changed at all" I thought to myself with a small pout. "He is always judging me and the work I do, and only ever picks on me" I said to myself.

Suddenly, I realized we were staring at eachother. Eye to eye. My face started to get hot, my legs started to get shaky and I couldn't  think anymore. I felt.. Paralyzed. I ripped my gaze away and stared at the buttons.

"42" it read. "Almost there" I mentally chanted to myself.

As soon as the elevator doors opened I speed walked out and turned the closest corner. I heard no footsteps behind me and when I knew the coast was clear I dropped to a squatting position to stabilize myself. "Panic attack?" I wondered, but I calmed down after I left the elevator so that couldn't be it.

"Claustrophobia?" I wondered again, listing off all the possibilities to explain what happened in the elevator, but none of them were sufficient.

I pulled myself together and walked to my cubicle and sat there for what felt like an eternity, trying to figure the events of today out.

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