5 (unedited)

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Hyunjin POV

I got back to my cubicle and started to work on some unfinished documents. As im working on the documents all that plays through my head is the questions that Mr Han asked me.

"Gosh he's weird. Why did he ask me that." I thought to myself.

I kept that thought in my head for a good 5 minutes then brushed it off. As im working i lost track of time, i check the clock and it says 10:30pm. "ITS 10:30PM ALREADY?!" i shout quietly. I mentally face palm myself and start to clean up.

As i finished cleaning up Mr Seo came out of his office. It was just us two, i would be lying if i said i wasnt nervous.

"Its late let me drive you home." Mr Seo said to me. "Uhh okay." I said very nervously.

Once we got down to the parking lot and entered the car and it got really awkward. I tried breaking the awkward silence but little did i know it made the silence worst. We arrived at my apartment, before i leave and excuse myself i decided to tell Mr Seo im quitting soon.

"Mr Seo i want to quit." I said calmly, Mr Seo seemed really taken aback.

"Why all of a sudden? You quitting would really inconvenience me." He said. "Mr Seo i want to quit because i want to find myself, i want to have freedom and find love." I said hoping he would understand. After i said that he just went quiet, that made me worry. "Why is he quiet? Please say something." I thought.

All Mr Seo said was that then i would need to find a new secretary for him and train them. I agreed to all those terms and then excused myself. I got in my apartment and put everything away and took a quick shower. All i can think about is why he thinks me leaving would inconvenience him.

I quickly brush that thought away and head to bed. This time when i woke up it wasnt because of my alarm but it was by my older brother Woojin.

"Mhmmm whats up Woojin." I say sleepily to Woojin. "Hey its time to get up you have work." Woojin says. I hummed in response.

I slowly get up and get ready for work. I make my way down to the living room to be greeted by this delicious scent of breakfast. "What did you make?" I ask Woojin as i take in the scent. "French toast and some eggs. What do you want to drink milk or juice?" Woojin replied.

I thought for a second thinking should I drink milk or juice. "Ill have juice please." I say with a little excitement. I finished my breakfast and decided to go to work. "Bye Woojin!" I yell as i leave. "Bye kiddo" Woojin says back making me smile a bit.

Im almost at work and im stressing over the fact that i have to find a new secretary and train them. I sigh. "Today is going to be a LONG day."

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