4 (unedited)

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Changbin POV

I slowly start walking to my office, as im walking i try to calm down my heart from what just happened. The thought of me and hyunjin being in the same elevator makes my heart race. As i got to my office i decided to organize all my documents.

Shortly then i heard a knock on my door "come in." I yelled. Hyunjin came in with documents on our recent game. As hyunjin was telling me what the statistics were of the recent game we released.

"Hmmm i think we should do a big update because the game isnt doing so well" i tell Hyunjin.

"Yes sir" Hyunjin replied. As Hyunjin started to excuse himself "Hyunjin find me a good restaurant for both Mr. Han and i to eat at" i tell him. "Yes sir, do you have any restaurant in particular?" He answers me.

"No just something with good service and good food" i replied. "You're excused" i tell him, as he excused himself i just stare at him leave. As Hyunjin left all i could do was think of him. I couldn't focus on doing my work because all i thought was hyunjin and how perfect he is.

I slapped myself in the face telling myself "do your work." Over time i got so absorbed in doing my work that i totally forgot the time, as im working i hear a knock on my door. "Come in" i say. As the door opens i see hyunjin come in and tell me its time for lunch. With that we started to leave the office.

I told driver Kang to go pick up Mr Han at his company and as we make our way to pick him up the whole car ride was quiet. We pick up Mr Han at his company and made our way to the restaraunt that Hyunjin had made reservations for.

As we settle down in the restaurant and order everything. While we were eating, Jisung and i were discussing things that we could do to help each others company's. After we discussed our business matters Jisung decided to open his mouth and ask Hyunjin some unnecessary questions.

"How long have you been Changbin hyungs secretary? How does it feel to be with him most of the day?" Jisung ask him very curiously.

At that point i was worried about what he would say but deep down im hoping he says something nice. "Uhh umm, I've been his Secretary for 3 years now, and it's okay i mean he isn't too mean to me aha." Hyunjin replies nervously.

After Hyunjin replied all i saw was jisung doing a small smirk which made me mentally face palm myself, but when he said that it made me think "am i a bit harsh on him???" I brushed that thought after.

"We should get going i have a lot work still left undone." I said.

They both hummed in agreement, we paid and left. Driver kang was waiting outside the restaurant with the car. We got in and while we were dropping of Jisung it was just quiet and awkward because of his stupid questions.

We dropped Jisung off and made our way back to the company which made the silence worst. When we arrived at the company Hyunjin just dashes back into the company and disappears. I just made my way back to my office slowly taking my time.

I finished writing this chapter a while ago but since i recently decided to post all the future chapters unedited im posting it now :)

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