The Start

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Noodle's Pov

I never really thought of him like this until now. He's been like my brother, ever since I arrived in that FedEx crate. I'm 23 now, I can make my own decisions. I just don't understand this strange feeling. Why was I feeling this way all of a sudden? I've never been so confused. I don't really know how to expose myself to this. I've been with Russel, Murdoc, and 2D my whole life. I've never understood 2D. Like, why does he take so many pills all at once? This always made me laugh considering, I've never done drugs before. And those God Forsaken cigarettes. I can't stand them! But, when 2D smokes them, he looks cool. I think he looks really cool when he smokes them. It's like he's trying to seduce me. Why would I have a crush on him? I just don't get it. Why was even questioning if I liked him or not? I wasn't suppose to think that way. This whole thought makes me laugh. It makes me laugh so much, I just don't understand this awkward feeling. I should tell him how I feel...

2D's Pov

I love Noodle, but like a sister, nothing more. I've never really had a crush on her. She's beautiful, well she's always been that way. I've really took a good look at her though. Now that she's older, I guess she looks a bit more... I don't wanna say it! I can't think that way. She's like my bestfriend. If I ever dated her, it would be awkward. I just know it. I wish she'd stop calling me “Toochi” ,though. She says it all the time, and it irritates me. I just never get the nerve to tell her to stop it. I love the nicknames, and all. I guess I'm not a very well thought out person. I don't think about those things. I just say, whatever pops into my head. Which is always something that isn't well thought out. I fear almost anything that jumps. I couldn't even think about going out with my love, Noodle. She's like my sister. I can't loose her as a friend, so I just can't date her. I don't want to hurt the only girl, that hasn't hurt me. Let's think on that, maybe Paula is the only one... Sometimes I still cry over her. It's been like ten years, but I can't stop this feeling. I know Paula never loved me, but she was my first love. Noodle can't just replace her. I've known Noodle for a long time, and I'm sure she doesn't like me. I do miss Paula... I've always missed her, but I don't want to get used again. She's why I started using pain killers in the first place. Maybe they'd take away this feeling of heartbreak that sits in my head. I'm over her, but I just still love her.

        Noodle woke up really excited today, because she was going to tell 2D how she felt. She ran into the bathroom, and took a shower. She heard a knock on her door shortly after. It's only 10am, no one's ever up this early. She wrapped a towel over her, and slowly opened the door. She looked up at 2D as he could only stare at her. She was dripping wet, and was way shorter than him. Her hair was dark purple, and damp. “Uh.. what is it Toochi?” He was frozen, and could only stare at her. He lost his focus on what he was coming to say... “I 'fink.. I lef' my uh..” Noodle still has the water running, and need to finish her shower. She was thinking to herself. “Am I really that awkward, that he forgot what to say? God, this is embarrassing.. I should've just ignored the knock at my door. Because he's just staring at me with those black voids.” He broke the long, blundering silence, and started to speak. “A fren' is comin' over, and I wan'd to know if I look ok..” Noodle was so confused. She began to think again. “Why would he ask me, such a stupid question? He looks the same everyday. It's like he never ages. Those big, onyx eyes, his blue hair, and his missing teeth.. That's all I could think of to describe him. Oh, and his accent.” Noodle was poker faced. He walked all the way over her to ask her this odd question. “Yeah, Toochi, you look fine.” Noodle turned around, and went back to her shower, and 2D back away slowly away from her door. Murdoc was downstairs cutting onions, and drinking beer. Russel was hiding under the couch, because “Del” the ghost keeps coming back to rap for him. For some weird reason Russel is scared of him.. No one knows why, but then again, no one bothered to ask. Murdoc was only wearing his underwear, and some boots. His teeth were squealing, as he pulled his arm back to cut the onions. This made things really bumbling, because he didn't have any pants on... 2D ran downstairs, and sat on the floor. He was staring at Russel, and was ever so puzzled. 2D asked him, “Why ar' you'h hidin' under tha' couch?” Russel's eyes were so white, and achromatic. He wouldn't reply, he was just shaking. Then there was a knock at the door, 2D jumped up anxiously, and answered the door. It was Paula Cracker. Noodle ran downstairs, and walked into the kitchen, and glared at Murdoc. She wasn't shocked, He does this quite often. Paula grabbed 2D, and just started to hug him. She missed him so much, she almost started to cry. She held onto him, for almost 2 minutes, before 2D could wiggle away. Noodle walked into the room, and stared at Paula. She started to turn red. She wanted to tell her to just leave, but she couldn't grasp the words to. She began to think to herself again. “Why is she here?! Was this who 2D was talking about when she said a friend was coming over? If anything, she isn't a friend.. Why do I care anyways? I think I'm starting to get jealous.. I shouldn't get jealous because she's here. Maybe she's only looking for Murdoc. Why did she hug him for so long?!?!” 2D sighed, and stared at Paula. Then Paula, grabbed his hands, and stared back. Noodle sat on the floor, and started to pout. Murdoc walked in shortly after, and looked at Paula. “Uh...” he began to laugh uncontrollably. “Why is this woman in our house?” 2D looked back at Murdoc, and said, “She's jus' visit'n..” Paula let go of 2D's hands, and walked over to Murdoc. She looked at him, up, and down. “I see you haven't changed. Your still smelly, and green.” Russel crawled from under the couch, and looked at Paula. Noodle looked at her to. After a while things got really awkward. No one said anything, everyone just stared at her. Noodle stood up, and looked into Paula's dark eyes. “Why are you here? I'm pretty sure no one want's you here..” Noodle smiled, and waited for someone to say something. Paula looked back at Noodle, and was shocked at her appearance. If anything, Paula hasn't seen her since she was 10 years old. She couldn't recognize her. She thought to herself before she spoke, “Wow she looks way better than I thought she would... Everyone used to mistaken her for a boy, but God, look at her. What's her problem with me anyways? Did she just dare to challenge me?” Murdoc started to grow impatient, and stuck his fingers in Paula's nose. Murdoc is known for is rude, behaviors, so this wasn't anything new for anyone. His fingers were covered in the revolting smell of, white onions. Paula pulled his hand away from her face, and slapped Murdoc. Noodle started laughing, and so did Russel. 2D was feeling really anxious again, because he knew Murdoc was going to do something terrible to her. Murdoc just started cursing, with every word he knew. 2D grabbed Paula's hand, ran into his room.

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