Oh Murdoc!

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Hullo :3 I'm gonna write, or try to write this story from Noodle's point of view. Hope you enjoy this part~!


I opened my crisp eyelids, because they were acting stubborn as if they didn't want to open. My mouth was baked, and my face felt itchy. I leaned forward, and yawned deeply. I scanned my room just as I do everyday. I stretched my short little arms, then walked into the bathroom. I started thinking about what happened the day before. I was betrayed but the only person I'd been romantically involved with. I was his. He was mine. "Curse that foul woman." I said under my breath. I got a rag, and washed my arid skin on my face. I brushed my teeth, and got in the shower. The hot water ran down my body, and took away so much pain.

The stress was gone. "I'm no longer going to let him control me. Not my emotions. They're mine, and no one else." I said. I heard a very loud knock on my door, so I hopped out of the brisk shower. I wrapped a towel over me, and walked over to the tall door. "Noodle! Open up." said the voice from behind my door. "Wait- That voice sounds so familiar..." I whispered. I opened the door, and saw a tall man standing there. I sighed, and tried to close my door in his face. I didn't want to see him. It was 2D, and this puzzled me. Right before I could close the door, he gripped it out of my control. "What do you want." I asked. I said it as if I were stating something, so he could find any expression. 

"Breakfast is ready." he said. Then he let go of the door, and looked right in my face. "Mia is going to be here soon, so please, don't be dumbfound." he said. "Really. That's all you have to say?" I asked. "Um," he said as he scratched his head, "Yeah I guess.." he said. "Well, when you're all alone, don't come back to me..." I said, then I closed the door right in his face. I wasn't fully clean yet, so I turned the shower back on. I could hear a loud sob from behind the door. I couldn't get my body to return into the shower, because I wanted to listen to him cry. I sat by the door, and I could hear him talking through the mist of his tears.

"I can't take this feeling.. I just don't want to belong to Noodle anymore. She think she can control me, but she can't. Every time I see her, I just want to kiss her soft lips, but then we'd end up into doing something much more. I just," he went on, "didn't want to hurt her."

I was shocked, that he still cared. I'm not going to show any weakness. I just, can't right now. I stood up, and put some clothes on. I was wearing a small tank top with stripes on it. I put some white shorts, on and some socks.  I walked downstairs, was welcomed to Mia's pale face. I wanted to punch her.. or maybe worse. I don't mean to sound clingy, but I just love him, so much.

I sat down next to Murdoc, and Russel. There I was, right in the middle. Every time I made eye contact with Mia I held my breath. "You okay?" Murdoc asked me. I think he could tell I was unsure of myself. "I'm fine." I said with a fake smile. "Just... fine.." I added. I must admit. I had the worst attitude conceivable. I glanced up to see 2D wrap his arms around Mia, and my heart sunk. I didn't want him to see how bad I was feeling, so I dropped my fork as hard as I could on my plate. "Clank!" went my fork. My metal fork. How I love my distracting metal fork. "Would you stop askin' for attention?!" 2D said with his dorky voice. "I'm not asking for attention." I said. "Guys can we just stop this before we start arguing?" Russel suggested. 

He was right. I was looking for attention, but I wasn't looking for that to be known. I didn't want to show emotion, so I kept my face low. "Yeah you are!" 2D said without thinking anything of what Russel said. I growled a bit, and grabbed my fork from off my plate, then sternly stabbed it into the table. I didn't make eye contact with anyone. I just stared at the ground, and kept the grip of the fork. 

No one had anything else to say for the last 7 minutes. "I think I'll just leave. I can feel tons of animosity in here." Mia told us. "Good, leave." I said with a smile. Mia rolled her eyes, and tried to test me with all she had. She couldn't beat me though. I guess, I'll always win. 

"No no no love, please, just ugh no don't leave!" 2D said. "Yeah, don't leave. I guess things are just awkward." Murdoc said with a grim smile. "I just want to know why.. what happened to make you all act this way?" Mia asked. Russel sighed, "Oh boy." Murdoc stood up and made eye contact with her. I laughed at 2D's misconception, and choice of words when he begged her to stay. His lack of English grammar is hilarious. "Let me tell you about all that went down.." Murdoc told her. "Come with me." 

Mia nodded, and followed Murdoc to his room. I stayed the table, and pretended to eat my food. I wasn't curious of what Murdoc was telling her, and I didn't care. I didn't care about anyone who didn't love me. Feeling empty inside because of a mere boy is foolish of me. "What's the sound?!" Russel asked us. "Oh my God!" 2D said. 

It was Mia.

It sounded like one word lead to another, and Murdoc had her in his hands. Literally. 

All I could hear was, 'Oh Murdoc!' 

Reminded me of Paula, but I honestly don't think I should talk on that.

I looked over to 2D and could see him crying. He looked so sad, but It wasn't my bloody problem anymore. He knew the girl for 2 days, and thought it was love. I guess I'm just as much of a fool as he is, because I fell for his lies. All 3 of us sat there and cringed at the sound of Murdoc having sex with Mia. 

It really gave me a good idea of the woman. She obviously gives up anything for any guy she meets. Just like Paula. 2D needs a better taste in girls, honestly. 

Murdoc came back out from his room about 11 minutes after the moaning stopped. "Hey mates." Murdoc greeted us. "You're just low," Russel said, "Really low." Murdoc sighed. "Well she was coming on to me! What was I supposed to do? Just pass this up!" 

2D sat in the corner, and cried his little heart out. I don't think he knows what love is.

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