Hong Kong

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        The shock wasn't something that they had already cover come, but it was still there. For some reason, everyone was still in fear. "Is this a dream?" Noodle asked everyone as she held onto 2D. "No love," 2D answered back, "Unfortunately." Murdoc looked up from the floor, and shot his eyes at 2D. "Well.. it wasn't like we wanted her here anyways. No one wanted her here." 2D glared at Murdoc, and grew teary eyed. "How could you say that!? She didn't have to die!" He pushed Noodle off of him, and ran upstairs crying.

        Noodle looked down, and sighed. "He's never going to move on from this.." She looked at Murdoc, and waited for a reply. "He will, I guess he still 'cared' for Paula." Noodle looked away from him, and walked into the kitchen to get some cookies. She began to think to herself, because no one else would listen.

        "I don't know what to say.. Not even to myself. I didn't like Paula, but she didn't need to kill herself. I didn't see why she needed to. She always said, 'I can't live without him', which I find hard to believe. She lived 10, normal years by herself. Maybe it was the fact that he finally moved on, and wasn't moving back onto her. The heartbreak of seeing him with someone else, killed her."

        Noodle grabbed 7 cookies, and slowly closed the fridge. She sat down, and grabbed her blanket. She turned on the TV, and laid back. She could hear a loud screeching sound coming from upstairs.

"Why!? Why God?!" 2D threw a glass vase at the wall, and fell to his knees as he cried. "She didn't have to die!.. She didn't have to die..."

        Noodle wanted to break into tears, but she ate her cookies instead. She was scared to, just like everyone else. 2D, her boyfriend (The best couple ever, that I ship to the end of time ♥) wasn't there for her. He wasn't there to cuddle her, or just hold her until she fell asleep. He was in is room crying. He held everything in, but that couldn't hold in much longer.

        Noodle watched her favorite anime show, and finished up her cookies. Murdoc ran upstairs to think things through. He is the leader of them all, and didn't know what to do next. So he sat in his room, and thought to himself. 2D came running downstairs, fully dressed as if he was going somewhere. Noodle looked at him sharply, "Where are you going?" He walked over to her, and kissed her for what seemed the longest time ever. Noodle didn't hesitate to kiss him back, of course. "I love you," he said as he backed away from her face, "I'll be back."

        "I love you to," she responded as she dropped her head in disappointment. He left her there, and he didn't even say were he was going. Noodle wanted to cry again, but she held it in. She just tried taking her mind off things by watching TV. Russel walked in with groceries, and looked at Noodle as soon as he made it in the room. "Noods, what's wrong?" he could tell by the look on Noodle's face, that she wasn't okay.

        "Well.. Paula killed herself a few days, or maybe even weeks ago. We just found her body about 3 hours ago, then 2D freaked out, and started crying. Murdoc locked himself in his room, and after awhile, 2D left without telling me where he was going."

Russel stared at Noodle, and dropped his bags.

"She's dead? Wait.. she can't be dead?" 

"Yeah.. she killed herself."

"Uhh, why?"

        Noodle shrugged, and looked at the ground. Russel picked everything up from the ground, and put it all in the kitchen. He couldn't say a word. There wasn't a way to describe it. How was he suppose to reply to all this stress? Same for everyone. No one knew why she killed herself, exactly. No one knew what the next move was. How are they going to possibly figure this out? Paula being dead, has ruin their lives. Not to mention, the fact that she killed herself, in their house! 

        Russel slowly walked upstairs into his room, and locked his door. The house was smelling really bad, and no one felt like cleaning, or doing anything actually. No one had peace, and it seemed like Noodle was the only one who could walk on two feet without falling. She got up, and turned on her radio, then played Demon Days. 

       The music was blaring throughout the house, and Noodle didn't give a finard. (I made this word up..*w*) She grabbed some cleaning spray, and wiped down every counter that she could find. She washed the dishes, scrubbed the toilets, vacuumed the carpet, removed all the old food from the fridge, and even washed Murdoc's clothes. (Washing Murdoc's clothes is a really nasty job.. Just saying) 

        She finished a few hours later, but the house was still smelly. The source of the stench was coming from the room Paula died in. Noodle didn't want to go in there, but she needed to. She put an apron on, some yellow gloves, and a cleaning mask before she dared to enter that room. She had two cans of air freshener, and sprayed it around until the room was in a fog. She continued to spray it until both cans were empty. She dropped both the cans, and slowly walked out of the room. She noticed a note on the side of the door that said:

        If you're reading this, I'm probably dead. I can't do this anymore, and no one gives a damn anyways. 2D doesn't love me; he's in love with a slut. Noodle. It's all her fault that I'm dead. No matter what you say, she's the reason I'm gone. Don't deny it! Don't be stupid. I wouldn't have killed myself, if it weren't for her! So just move on with your selfish lives, you trolls. -Paula xoxox

So This Was How She Felt.. (Gorillaz Fan Fiction Noodlex2D)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum